The elegant decorative motifs and certain figural elements reveal a Western influence. 典雅的装饰图案和某些人物的内容揭示了西方的影响。
The Combining Materials 'Influence on Figural Jewelry Design Style 组合材质对具象化首饰设计风格的影响
These are the figural representations contained in ancient wall painting. 这些都是古代壁画中的人物画像。
"Figural: of, relating to, consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition or design of human or animal figures." “具有人或动物的形象的:属于、关于或形成人物或动物的组织或形象的,或由此构成的。”
In the light of narratology, this paper attempts to analyze the image of God in Paradise Lost from the figural perspective of Satan. 撒旦所感知的上帝形象与史诗中旁观叙述者所感知的上帝形象大为不同,这种不同正是《失乐园》中叙述艺术精妙之所在。
What are the distinctions between figural and metric structures? 在音形和节拍的结构间的差异是什麽?
In the following practice, abstract art and figural art become a "convenient saying". 在今后的实践中,“抽象和具象”就成了“方便说”。
On the one hand, to become iconic a building must provide a new and condensed image, be high in figural shape or gestalt, and stand out from the city. 一方面,要成为一个标志,一座建筑必须要提出一个全新并且浓缩的意向,在抽象形态或者建筑完形上高屋建瓴,并且要从城市中脱颖而出。
In the new period, research on Ling Shuhua has got into position, and made great achievement in figural image and artistic style. 在新时期,凌叔华研究进入了新的阶段,在人物形象和艺术风格研究等方面取得了突出成就。
This paper is an attempt to study the transference of figural point of view in fictional translation by applying narrative theories. 本文试图运用叙事理论探讨小说翻译中的人物视角问题。
The scale is still not large, but the combination of both abstract and figural makes her painting grand. 规模还不大,但两者的抽象和具象的结合,使得她的绘画气势宏伟。
A figural design; the figurative art of the humanistic tradition-Herbert Read. 象征性的图案;人文主义传统象征艺术-何伯特·鲁德。
Once the image comes into the picture, no matter they are abstract or figural, they are restored as shapes, colors and profiles. 一旦图像进入到画面中,不管它们抽象或具象到何种程度,就理所当然地还原成了形状,颜色和轮廓。
The Development of Toddlers 'Chinese Orthographic, Semantic and Figural Processing Speeds 幼儿汉语字形和语义与图形加工速度的发展与比较
Abstract art and figural art 抽象艺术与具象艺术
Among it, the first section defines that the 'idol' is a figural symbol of personality, which is self-elected, self-identified, and extremely respected, admired, appreciated, loved and yearned towards by individual or collectivity. 其中,第一章揭示了偶像是个体或群体自我选择和认同并受到极度尊敬、钦佩或极其欣赏、喜欢和向往的形象化的人格符号。
The second chapter points out the characteristic and failure in figural portrayal through the analysis on the traits of the reformers that have the most artistic characters. 第二章通过对改革题材小说中最富有艺术光彩的改革者形象特质的分析,指出此类小说在人物形象塑造上的特点与不足。
Face the artistic current situation of the contemporary China's Brush Stroke Figural Painting, discuss its social background and culture linguistic context produced, and it is very essential to put it in macroscopical course of contemporary China's plural cultural development and examine closely. 正视当代中国工笔人物画的艺术现状,研讨其产生的社会背景和文化语境,并将其置于当代中国多元文化发展的宏观过程中进行审视是十分必要的。
The Mountain of Cuckoo was a typical work in modern Beijing Opera with the figural music theme used skillful. 《杜鹃山》是现代京剧当中人物音乐主题用得比较成熟的代表剧目。
The art development of the work is the beautiful diction, and the figural success, and so on. 在艺术上的发展突出表现在文辞和人物形象塑造的成功等。
It was indicated that the visuospatial sketchpad, phonological loop, and the central executive were involved in figural analogies, whereas visuospatial sketchpad had main effect on verbal analogies. 在图形类比推理中,主要有视空间模板中的空间成分,语音回路中的发音成分以及中央执行器的参与;在言语类比推理中,则是视空间模板中的空间成分起主要作用。
The second part of this article deals with how the cultural identity was represented in German New Expressionism, including adopting figural language, responding to German historian, cultural, and political problems, and using motives from German history and myth, etc. 文章第二部分具体分析了文化身份在新表现主义艺术中的体现,包括采用具象语言,关注德国历史、文化和现实政治问题,取材于德国历史和神话等等。
The 3rd chapter analyze the formation mechanism of his suspense, here I'm going to analyze it from three ways: the makeup methods of the plot and subject, the special figural disposal and the composing elements of audiovisual language; 第三章进一步讨论希氏电影悬念的构成机制,主要从情节主题的结构方法、人物形象的特殊处理和视听语言的构成元素三个角度进行分析;
The results showed that six strategies used by the primary school children when solving figural reasoning problem were analytic strategy, inadequacy analytic strategy, perceptual analytic strategy, perceptual matching strategy, gestalt strategy and imagining strategy. 结果发现:小学生在解决图形推理问题时使用六种策略,它们分别是分析策略、不完全分析策略、知觉分析策略、知觉匹配策略、格式塔策略和自主想象策略;
For complex figural reasoning tasks, reaction time is not suitable for evaluating the level of the target reasoning ability, the correct response rate could more truly reflects the development of the childrens 'figural reasoning ability. 3. 对于复杂的图形推理任务,反应时不适合作为评价推理能力高低的指标,正确率比较能够真实的反应青少年图形推理能力的发展变化。
According to examples from four movements, in second chapter, the techniques of counterpoint will be discussed in six parts such as simple imitation and variation imitation, perpetual imitation, figural counterpoint, imitation with sequence, quasi-fugato. 在第二章,通过简单模仿与变化模仿、无终模仿与模仿模进、音型化对位、准赋格段四个方面,结合各乐章的实例从对位技法的视角逐一进行论述。
Chinese characters of different from other words an important feature is the unity of figural righteousness. 汉字不同于其他文字的一个重要特点是音形义的统一。
In addition, a variety of cognitive abilities in children and adolescents are growing, figural reasoning just be able to adapt to different age children. 另外,儿童青少年的各种认知能力是在不断发展的,图形推理恰好能够适应于不同年龄段的儿童。
As an important part of the Chinese Painting and the Chinese Culture, Brush Stroke Figural Painting definitely affected by the times of Cultural background during its long term development. 工笔人物画作为中国画乃至中国文化的重要组成部分,在其走过的漫长旅途中,必将受到所处时代的文化背景的影响。
As a figural symbol of personality, it is of inevitability that the idol comes into being in the sense of ontological exist of people. 作为一种人格符号,在人的生存本体论意义上,偶像的产生具有其必然性。