
英 [ˈfɪltʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈfɪltʃɪŋ]

v.  偷(尤指小的或不贵重的物品)


  1. VERB (尤指不构成严重犯罪地)偷
    If you say that someone filches something, you mean they steal it, especially when you do not consider this to be a very serious crime.
    1. I filched some notes from his wallet.


  1. Internet users have heard plenty about third-party aggregators filching their data, spying on them via all manner of cookies and selling web surfing data to unscrupulous marketers.
  2. Filching detection in electric energy measuring and billing system
  3. Three methods used in electric energy measuring and billing system against electricity filching are put forward, they are event detection, single meter threshold logic detection and multi meter threshold detection.
  4. The usual data recording methods for civil and foreign airborne radar field test are analyzed and compared briefly, and a fast recording method for radar field test by monitoring and filching data is introduced in this paper.
  5. Prevention of electricity filching is one of the important tasks of power supply department.
  6. So it's necessary to develop a multifunctional system, which is composed of management, power load monitoring, remote meter reading and prevention of electricity filching.
  7. It has become a public concern that how to protect information and avoid filching and juggling information.
  8. In its form, the action of filching and discounting bank acceptance belongs to the category of implicated offence in the theory of criminal law, which means the doers hold the target of commit a crime and their behaviors or results violate other laws.