Filmmakers have often been accused of glamorizing organized crime. 电影制片人常常被指责美化了集团犯罪。
French filmmakers say American remakes are losing something in the translation. 法国电影人说美国翻拍的版本丧失了原作的部分精髓。
State-run media published vitriolic remarks about Weinstein from a slew of filmmakers. 中国的国有媒体发表了许多电影人对韦恩斯坦的刻薄评论。
What filmmakers have lacked is believable characters and realistic dialogue. 其实制片人缺乏的是可信的人物和真实的对白。
Representatives would not talk to the filmmakers. 代表们不能与电影制片人谈话。
The Asian Film Awards honored two veteran filmmakers. 亚洲电影大奖将特别奖授予了两位资深电影人。
Celebrities and professional filmmakers have also joined in the new trend. 许多明星和专业电影人也纷纷加入这一新潮流。
For Chinese director Lu Chuan, Avatar also meant "a complete defeat" for all Chinese filmmakers. 而对导演陆川来说,《阿凡达》却意味着所有中国影人的“一次完败”。
teachers, photographers and filmmakers. 教师、摄影师和影片制作者。
We stand by our filmmakers and their right to free expression and are extremely disappointed by this outcome. 我们力挺我们的电影工作者,支持他们自由表达的权力,同时对电影无法上映这一结果表示极度失望。
To sell the moment, the filmmakers turned to the most trustworthy of all actors: Tom Hanks. 为了烘托这个时刻,制片人邀请了最受信赖的演员:汤姆·汉克斯(TomHanks)。
We still have the same problem we had three decades ago. As filmmakers, we feel tired. 我们仍然面临和30年前一样的问题,作为电影创作人员,我们感到疲惫。
Blogs and photo-sharing Web sites are thriving, and new communities of online DJs and filmmakers are springing up. 博客和相片共享网站正繁荣发展,网络DJ和电影制片者组成的新团体正横空出世。
I had no permit, and journalists and filmmakers are not allowed to be there. 我没有获得任何许可,记者和电影摄制组都不得进入那个地区。
Filmmakers can also use their craft for other purposes than to create a work of art and entertainment. 电影制作者除了创作艺术作品和娱乐作品外,还能将电影技术用于其他目的。
The Independent investigated some of the most innovative and useful ideas for cash-strapped filmmakers to survive through difficult times. 独立制片人调查了一些有益的想法,对于现金短缺的最具创新性和生存渡过难关。
While giving thousands of filmmakers a potentially huge new audience, Shorts International won't necessarily make them rich. 然而提供给许多制片人巨大的潜在新观众,短片国际化将不一定使他们富有。
Others have hired filmmakers to produce feature-length video biographies. 其它一些家长请来电影摄制人员,拍摄了长篇的视频自传。
To be a place where young Japanese and Japanese American filmmakers can show their work to the world. 要成为一个地方,年轻的日本和日本的美国电影制片人可以把作品展示给世界。
Several writers praised filmmakers who use digitally produced images of animals for movies instead of using live animals. 有几位来信者称赞了使用数位制作出的动物图像来代替真正的动物的电影制片人。
Regular columnist Bill Thompson says more can be done to encourage young filmmakers from all walks of life. 一般的专栏作家比尔汤普生说更多,罐子被做鼓励来自各行各业的年轻的电影制片人。
They want to change people's ideas about the image of Indians created by filmmakers in Hollywood. 他们想改变人们对好莱坞电影中刻画的印第安人的印象。
Apple Inc.'s iTunes store offers shorts for sale, but few filmmakers sell more than token numbers. 苹果公司的音乐商店中提供短片销售,但是制片人极少出售超过象征数字。
Every Sunday you will have two screenings of films from the most renowned worldwide experimental filmmakers. 每周末你将欣赏到两场出自世界知名实验片制作人之手的电影。
Chinese filmmakers have won several prizes at events over the past years. 中国的影片制作人过去几年中已经在此电影节中多次获奖。
Of course, it's not just filmmakers who are hurting from the recession. 当然,这不只是电影人谁是从衰退伤害。
Filmmakers were reportedly looking for a new home for Ali as well. 据报道,电影制作人也同样在为阿里寻找新家。
This may seem obvious, especially since independent filmmakers often juggle multiple careers already. 这看起来很明显,特别是因为独立制片人经常耍弄多个职业生涯了。
The Drama Club is teaming up with the Filmmakers Club. 戏剧社将和电影制片人俱乐部合作。
The filmmakers and the actors, thankfully, are too smart and too honest to go that route. 电影制作人及演员,幸好都太聪明,太老实地走这条路线。