N-COUNT (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲,末乐章;(一系列演出)最后一场 Thefinale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive.
... the finale of Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony... 肖斯塔科维奇第五交响曲的末乐章
Tonight's light show is the grand finale of a month-long series of events. 今晚的灯光秀是为期1个月的系列活动的盛大收场。
N-COUNT (特定的)结尾,结束 If you say that an event provides a particular kind of finaleto something, you mean that it provides it with a particular kind of ending.
...the dramatic finale to America's seven-year hostage crisis... 历时7年的美国人质危机的戏剧性结局
It was a sad finale to an otherwise spectacular career. 对于一段一直辉煌的职业生涯来说,这是一个惨淡的收官。
Tonight's light show is the grand finale of a month-long series of events. 今晚的灯光秀是为期1个月的系列活动的盛大收场。
It was a sad finale to an otherwise spectacular career. 对于一段一直辉煌的职业生涯来说,这是一个惨淡的收官。
Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination. 这部电影的结局可圈可点,即使这样也无法掩盖前一个小时想象力贫乏的缺憾。
In the dramatic finale, the emir's son rode a pure bred Arabian horse up steep stairs. 在开幕式的最后阶段出现了颇富戏剧性的一幕,该国一位王子骑着一匹纯种阿拉伯马沿着陡峭的斜梯飞驰而上。
The hour-long Parks and Recreation season 6 finale is set to air April 24. 《公园与游憩》第六季最后一集将于美国时间4月24日播出,时长1小时。
High Stakes: Not since the season-one finale have we been so worried for our characters. 高度的惊险性:自第一季结束之后,我们已经没有像第三季这样如此地为剧中人物担心过了。
How do you feel about the season finale? 你对第二季结局的感觉怎样?
Their grand finale was a trip to Morocco. 最后她们以一趟摩洛哥之旅给互助小组画上了句号。
The finale, which began with Big Ben chiming, paid tribute to UK music, fashion and culture. 最后,大本钟再次敲响,结束了这场英国音乐时尚和文化的盛宴。
Spain's first-round finale with Chile may appear on the surface to be the better match. 西班牙第一轮与智利的压轴之战可能从场面上看,是会是一场好看的比赛。
Touch has booked Ron Rifkin in a guest-starring role for the show's season 2 finale this spring. 《触摸未来》已经确定该剧今年春天上演的第二季大结局中将会邀请RonRifkin来客串。
I am not sure its finale. 我不知道最终的结局。
A more serious complaint was the way the books were presented in a grand TV finale earlier this month. 相对更严重的抱怨针对的是本月前些时候在一个电视大结局中展示这些书的方式。
We have a really great season finale for you. 我们有一个真正伟大的赛季献给你。
This victory provided a fitting finale to a brilliant season for the club. 这次胜利给俱乐部辉煌的赛季画上了圆满的句号。
The concert ended in a grand finale. 音乐会在气势庞大的终曲中结束了。
This is the big finale. 这是最重要的终场。
Which season finale are you most excited to watch? 你最希望看到的季结局是哪部片子?
The evening ended with a grand finale of fireworks and music. 晚会在烟花和音乐声中隆重收场了。
They played important roles in the grand finale of the opening ceremony. 他们在开幕式的压轴戏中担当主要角色。
Finale is a little orange for garnish, and you're all set. 最后是一点儿装饰用的橙子,然后就调好了。
What a perfect musical finale. 好一个完美的歌舞片终场。
Tonight is the season finale so we have to go home now. 今晚是本季的最后一集,所以我们现在必须回家。
I am excited that we will be joined for this finale by a Children's Chorus from Beijing. 令我们激动的是,届时北京儿童合唱团将为我们的结束曲进行演唱。
Some at the Shanghai concert said the politically tinged finale made audience members uneasy. 一些参加上海音乐会的人说带有政治色彩的结束曲让听众很不自在。
Wal-Mart Opens Its First Supercenter in Jinhua The evening ended with a grand finale of fireworks and music. 沃尔玛在婺首家购物广场隆重开业晚会在烟花和音乐声中隆重收场了。
On this anniversary, festivities include open air concerts, speeches and a grand fireworks finale on Monday night. 在本次纪念中,庆祝活动包括露天音乐会、演讲以及在周一晚上举行的作为活动尾声的盛大焰火表演。
We are expecting the exciting finale in your hometown, and the whole country will be proud of you. 我们期待在你的故乡上演的精彩决战,有一整个国家正为你而自豪。
What better finale to her career than this extravagant gesture. 以这种极尽奢华的方式来结束她的生涯是再也合适不过了。