In the firelight his head gleamed with sweat. 火光中他头上闪着汗珠。
The glasses glanced in the firelight. 杯子在火光中闪耀。
The glasses glanced and twinkled in the firelight. 这眼镜在火光中反光闪烁。
She was in rags; her bare feet were thrust into wooden shoes, and by the firelight she was engaged in knitting woollen stockings destined for the young Thenardiers. 她穿的是破衣,赤着脚,套一双木鞋,凑近炉火的微光,在替德纳第家的小姑娘织绒线袜。
As they entered the circle, the bandits could perceive, by the firelight, the unearthly pallor of the young GIRL and of Diavolaccio. 当他们进入圈子中央的时候,强盗们才借着火光看清楚那年轻女子和达伏拉西奥都面无人色。
Tess sprang like an elastic ball from his side to her feet, while her face flushed and her eyes shone in the firelight. 苔丝好像一个有弹力的皮球似的,一下子就从克莱尔身边跳开了,她满脸通红,一双眼睛在火光里闪闪发亮。
Jo's face was red in the firelight as she listened. 'Now Beth,'said Amy. 琼听着,脸色在火光中变红了。该说白丝了,艾米说。
The Mole looked back at the Wild Wood for a moment, thinking of the terror that he had felt there. Then he hurried on after the others, happy to be back in the open fields, and looking forward to the bright firelight of home. 鼹鼠回过头看着野树林,想了一会他在那儿的可怕经历,然后急忙赶上他俩,庆幸自己又回到了广阔的田野,并期待着炉火明亮的家。
The Resurrection Stone slipped from between his numb fingers, and out of the corner of his eyes he saw his parents, Sirius, and Lupin vanish as he stepped forward into the firelight. 复活石从麻木的手指间滑落,他迈步走进了火光,眼角的余光看见他的父母、小天狼星和卢平都消失了。
Glowing or shining like fire. The firelight flared across the room. 像火一样发光或者闪烁。那火光在屋里突然一闪。
The Biomechanical Analysis of "Health Qigong · Ba Duan Jin""Shaking Head and Swing Tail to Remove Firelight" 健身气功八段锦摇头摆尾去心火动作特征的生物力学分析
As he drew near the fire and heard Platon's weak, sickly voice, and saw his piteous mien in the bright firelight, Pierre felt a pang at heart. 皮埃尔走近火堆,听见普拉东微弱、病态的声音,看见他那被火光照亮了的可怜的脸,他的心像被针扎了一样,被刺痛了。
I saw the firelight, too, a dull rusty glow up in the pipe, and I said to frances, without alarm," I think yourpipe's on fire. " 我还看到了火光,看到取暖管中串出深锈红色的火苗,漫不经心地对法兰西斯说,“你家管子着火了。”
Candlelight, angel light, firelight and star glow. 烛光,天使光,火光和星光闪耀。
Wish I could take pictures by firelight. 我想我可以用火光来进行拍摄。
The lamp illuminated him on one side, the firelight on the other. 他这面有灯光照着,那面有火光照着。
She was glad that the cosy house, and Pa and Ma and the firelight and the music, were now. 她很高兴。因为舒适的房子、爸爸、妈妈、火光、音乐都在现在。
She looked at Pa sitting on the bench by the hearth, the firelight gleaming on his brown hair and beard and glistening on the honey-brown fiddle. 她看见爸爸坐在灶台旁的长凳上;火光照亮了他的棕色头发和胡子、在蜜褐色小提琴上一闪一闪。
She was just a small girl, but she glowed with a radiance and warmth that put the firelight to shame. 虽然她看起来只是个小女孩,但从她身上洋溢、散发的光辉和温暖,却让炉火为之黯然失色。
Have you got any seats for Firelight this evening? 今天晚上《心火》的票还有座位吗?
A house without woman and firelight, is like a body without soul or sprite. 无女人与炉火之房屋,犹如无灵魂或精神之身体。
His bones ached slightly as he sat down near the firelight, closing his eyes and letting the warmth drift over him. 他觉得骨头有点痛,于是他靠近炉火坐下,闭上双眼,让这炉火的温暖,漫布全身。
The lines in her face were smoothed by the firelight and her hair had taken on golden hints. 她面部的线条被火光映照得很柔和,银灰的长发笼罩在一片金光中。
DANL Webster looked at the distracted man, all gray and shaking in the firelight, and laid a hand on his shoulder. 丹尼尔韦伯斯特望着那心急如焚的人,在炉火映照下,脸色灰败,身子发抖,于是便把手按在他的肩膀上。
Do not turn on the lamp; we can see in the firelight. 别开灯,炉火照著,我们看得见。
The sun winked on the lake. The lamp illuminated him on one side, the firelight on the other. 阳光照得湖面熠熠闪光。他这面有灯光照着,那面有火光照着。
The firelight cast fantastic shadows on the walls. 火光在墙上投射出很玄的影子。
We watched the flickering firelight and slowly fell sleep. 我们望着闪烁的火光慢慢地睡着。
The phenomenon of firelight from explosion of sixteen kinds of condensed explosives were investigated with high speed photography. 采用高速摄像的试验手段研究了16种凝聚相炸药的爆炸火光现象。
As the usual target domain of Plato, firelight and sun represented human are pursuing kind. Rational light and enlightenment light were metaphor of rational intension of Lessing. 火光和太阳作为柏拉图隐喻中最常见的喻体,代表着人类对善的追求,理性之光和启示之光是莱辛光的比喻理性内涵。