This moorland is covering block, fireweed is fascicular, everywhere bumpy. 这片荒地覆盖着石块,杂草丛生,到处坑坑洼洼。
Rain lightly Jiangnan is no lack of the so-called picturesque, with a total inspiration to countless people, loving people fireweed lingering integrating this business. 雨淅淅沥沥的江南就是不乏所谓的诗情画意,总给人不尽的灵感,让人顿生缠绵缱绻之意。
Know the successful truth on the horse, what should do next is hilltop of race to control, each mountain peak of the big hill that makes those fireweed fascicular grows our small grass. 知道马上成功之理了,下一步要做的就是抢占山头,让那些杂草丛生的大山的每一个山峰都长出我们的小草。
tall North American perennial with creeping rootstocks and narrow leaves and spikes of pinkish-purple flowers occurring in great abundance in burned-over areas or recent clearings