He was rich, and a rising star in the political firmament. 他十分富有,并且是政治高层一颗冉冉升起的新星。
To behold a rift in the immense blue pane of the firmament! 在无边无际的象碧色玻璃的苍穹上看到了一条裂痕!
Even as China's place in the global economic firmament dims, its car buyers should remain stars. 即使中国在全球经济天空中的光芒黯淡,中国购车者仍将是闪亮的明星。
I have heard the whisper of the firmament through the ears of the rose and touched the folds of light's garment with rose petals. 我曾用玫瑰的双耳聆听过苍天的柔声细语;我曾以玫瑰的花瓣与阳光亲密接触。
Early into the deaf school, I surprised at how the lives of handicapped under the firmament so much! 初进聋哑学校,我讶异于苍穹之下残缺的生命何以如此之多!
Relating to the firmament or upper regions. 关于天空或上部区域。
This caused the end of the Firmament, and the falling of millions of gallons of water from the sky. 这引起了冰天崩溃,上百万加伦的水倾盆而下。
Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy gold, and heaped itself glittering toward the firmament. 随便什么东西,艾莱柯都能点石成金,金光闪闪的财富越堆越高,直逼天穹。
Flashes, like Lucifer, through the firmament. 象天空的金星,一闪即逝。
The complete Firmament atmosphere invigorated the mind and body since the radiation energy stored prana in the Firmament. 因为射线将其能量储存在冰天中,整个冰天大气层对大脑和身体有激励作用。
In his decade at the top of British and international politics, he was, indeed, a star, albeit in a rather dim firmament. 在他活跃于英国及国际政坛的十年期间,他确实是一个明星,尽管整个苍穹相当黯淡。
The massive cloud that converges in the firmament above is a hulking harbinger of China's impending change. 汇聚在天空中的大朵白云成为中国即将发生的变化的拙劣先兆。
And let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so. 上帝说,天上要有光体,并要发光在天空、普照在大地上,事就这样成了。
The making of the firmament in Genesis refers to God's giving us scripture. 《创世纪》里创造苍穹,指的是上帝给我们传达经文。
God also said: Let the waters bring forth the creeping creature having life, and the fowl that may fly over the earth under the firmament of heaven. 天主说:「水中要繁生蠕动的生物,地面上、天空中要有鸟飞翔!」事就这样成了。
Let there be firmament in the midst of the water and. 让水的中间来个天空吗。
It looked up at the firmament to watch the motions of the sun, moon and stars and thus merged itself with Mother Nature. 它对着苍穹。仰望太阳,月亮和星星的运行,与大自然亲密无间连成一片。
In state media, the firmament often expresses its pleasure with rulers via a rainbow or comet. 在国家媒体上,上天常常凭藉彩虹或彗星表达对统治者的欣慰之情。
The sky or universe as seen from earth; the firmament. 天,天空从地球上所见之天空或宇宙;苍穹。
As he is only one of your stars, it sounds as if you will be left with better behaved ones in your firmament once his light is put out. 既然他只是你的明星员工之一,那么听上去好像一旦他的光辉熄灭,你的天空中还会剩下那些表现更好的明星。
And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth. 天主将星宿摆列在天空,照耀大地。
He would have given anything to change into a bird and soar with them aloft into the vast firmament. 他恨不得自己也变作小鸟跟它们飞到广阔的天空中去。
He rose his head and stared at the firmament. 他抬起头,凝望着天空。
What is the world if compare to the least visible star in the firmament? 即使与天空中最暗弱的恒星相比,这世界又算得上什么?
The TV series of "Tiger Roaring at the Firmament" is produced here. 影视剧《虎啸苍穹》等就是在这里拍摄完成的。
The Firmament was a layer of frozen water ( ice) above the Earth's surface. 冰天是地表上空的一个冻水层(冰)。
This destiny, this ocean beneath firmament, this infinite incessant undulating comfort. 这前定,这苍宇下的海,这起起伏伏的无尽的安慰。
They are awakening to a world in which their planet, though still the biggest in the Canadian firmament, is being eclipsed. 但一觉醒来,他们发现在加拿大的这片苍穹中,他们的星球(多伦多)虽然仍是最大的一颗行星,但正在进入蚀亏状态,黯然失色。