To implement file consistency, we have designed a queue that is used to place the request using first-come-first-served basis. 为保持文件一致性,我们设计了一个队列,用于放置请求,并按照先到先服务的原则。
Applicants will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. 报名申请按「先到先得」办法处理。
Visits will be arranged on a first-come-first-served basis. 申请将根据先到先得办法作出安排。
The seats will be allocated through advance booking on a first-come-first-served basis. 座位将按预留的先后次序进行分配。
Allow first-come-first-served basis drum, green silk waft, we sing, dance, the sad words into flower. 任由,青丝飘散,我们,吟风悲月,舞字成花。
The Institute Organizing Committee reserves the right to assign hotels based on a first-come-first-served basis. 研习会筹备委员会保有权利,对先到先服务之原则。
Reservations are on first-come-first-served basis. 座位数量有限,订位先到先得。
Seats are limited and enrolments will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. 由于名额有限,报名以先到先得方式进行。
All sizes will be alloted on a first-come-first-served basis and are non-exchangeable. 每个尺码数量有限,按先到先得形式分配;一经分发,不得更换。
Applications received after the ordinary booking period are considered as late bookings, and will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. 普通订租限期过后收到的订租申请,一律视为逾期订租申请,并会以先到先得的方式处理。
The College also provided a sponsorship of$ 100 for each United College staff who pre-registered for this service on first-come-first-served basis as an incentive for the preventive health check-up. 为鼓励同事积极参与,书院更以先到先得的方式赞助港币一百元予联合书院同事。
The offsets could be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, but that would give little control to state or local officials in planning the economic development of the region. 补偿可以按照先来先得的服务原则分配补偿,但是在计划地区经济发展时,州和地方官员很难控制。
The allocation of booths is determined on a basis of "first-come-first-served" in terms of application and payment. 展厅的安排是根据上交申请及缴纳租金“先到先安排”的原则进行的。
All Group Study Rooms are registered on first-come-first-served basis. 所有小组研习室,以先到先得原则登记。
First-Come-First-Served can schedule the landing aircrafts very simply and rapidly, however it may fail to provide a reasonable scheduling scheme under dense aircrafts. 先来先服务是一种最简单快速的调度方法,但在航班较密集的情况下该算法可能无法给出一个合理的调度方案。