While the government has been fiscally prudent over the years, Spanish households and companies have been levered up like they were private equity takeovers. 虽然政府这些年来一直实施审慎的财政政策,但西班牙普通家庭和企业好像成为了私募股权基金的收购对象似的,债务水平持续升高。
I think that is a dangerous and somewhat fiscally irresponsible thing to do and I think in the long-run it will inspire a decline in confidence and will lead to inflationary expectations soaring. 我认为这是危险的,这么做在财政上有点不负责任而且我认为长久来看这将会降低人们的信心并且将会导致通货膨胀爆发!
Obama said McCain would continue Bush administration economic policies he called "the most fiscally irresponsible in history." 奥巴马说麦凯恩将会继续布什政府的经济政策,该政策被他称为“历史上最不负责的财政政策。”
Yet Germany will not achieve its strategic aims of a more integrated and fiscally sound eurozone unless it supports reforming states and prepares for contagion. 然而,德国将无法实现提高欧元区一体化程度、实现稳健财政的战略目标,除非它为实施改革的国家提供支持,并做好防范危机蔓延的准备。
They all strive to outdo one another culturally, architecturally, politically, fiscally. 每一个都力求在文化、建筑、政治、财政方面胜过对方。
The Mercedes 'approach is more conservative, fiscally and technically. 梅赛德斯的策略则更为保守,从财政与技术上来看都是如此。
This guidance will provide practical, fiscally responsible, guidance on implementing an ESB to solve real world problems. 这个手册提供了应用ESB解决现实问题的实用的、在财务上负责任的指导。
Miners can hardly relocate to more fiscally benign Canada, for example. 例如,矿商几乎不可能迁往财政环境更有利的加拿大。
It would also be the fiscally conservative thing to do. 这种做法也符合财政保守主义的原则。
First, President George W. Bush did not keep his pledge to be fiscally responsible. 首先,总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)没有信守“负起财政责任”的承诺。
But for now, the eurozone is a mix of the fiscally weak and strong. 但就目前而言,欧元区国家的财政状况良莠不齐。
Becoming a developed economy means having the licence to be less fiscally responsible. 成为发达经济体意味着有权对财政不那么负责任。
Buyers of the sovereign debt of fiscally irresponsible countries might ponder that one. 那些向财政上不负责任的国家购买主权债务的人,或许应该仔细掂量掂量这句话。
I told him that physically, fiscally and spiritually I and all members of my family had been wiped out. 我告诉我和一家人在精神上、肉体和经济上都被搞垮了。
He has insisted he is not driven by tax planning and will remain fiscally domiciled in France. 阿尔诺坚称,他这么做并非出于税务规划考虑,而且他将继续在法国纳税。
The answer to this question is illuminating: membership of a currency union makes a country fiscally fragile. 这个问题的答案具有启迪意义加入货币联盟,会让一个国家在财政上变得脆弱。
And this budget is fiscally neutral. 本次预算案在财政上偏于中性。
But he said Chile was sound fiscally. 他表示,智利的财政状况很健康。
Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was fiscally timid and not that successful in ending the Depression – but it built new institutions, permanently altered the demands citizens make on the state and quite transformed US society. 富兰克林•罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的新政在财政政策方面缩手缩脚,在终结大萧条方面并不是那么成功&但新政创造了新的机构,永久性地改变了公民对政府的要求,并使美国社会大为改观。
In other words, the less fiscally prudent would also issue a second tier of debt with a lower rating. 也就是说,财政上不那么审慎的国家还将发行评级较低的次级债务。
Fiscally, China seems in fair shape. 中国的财政状况看上去相当不错。
Northern Europeans resent a monetary union that has permitted southern Europe to engage in what they see as fiscally profligate behaviour, while southern Europeans and the Irish are required to submit to extreme austerity programmes that exacerbate their sovereign debt problems. 欧洲北部国家对货币联盟感到不满,因为它允许欧洲南部国家从事被其视为财政挥霍的行为。同时欧洲南部国家和爱尔兰被要求实施极端的紧缩计划,这加剧了它们的主权债务问题。
Together we will give Americans the broad, fair and fiscally responsible tax relief they deserve. 让我们共同努力使美国人民能享受到他们该享受的广泛、公平且财政能承受的减税计划。
Deutsche enjoys lower funding costs than banks in more fiscally challenged countries such as Italy or Spain. 与意大利或西班牙等财政较紧张国家的银行相比,德银的融资成本更低。
If we have learnt one thing in the past two years, it is the complexities of a monetary union among fiscally independent sovereigns. 如果说我们从过去两年明白了一件事情的话,那就是财政独立的主权国家之前的货币联盟错综复杂。
Mr Obama has said that healthcare reform must reduce costs and expand coverage since doing the latter without the former is fiscally unsustainable. 奥巴马已表示,医改必须削减支出与扩大医保覆盖范围并举,因为若没有前者,后者在财政上就是不可持续的。
A euro area breakup, even a partial one involving the exit of one or more fiscally and competitively weak countries, would be chaotic. 假使欧元区解体,即便只是部分解体一个或多个财政实力和竞争力较弱的国家退出,其后果也将是一团糟。
In other words, the Single Euro yield curve would be secure for fiscally prudent euro members. 换言之,对于实施谨慎财政政策的欧元区成员国来说,这种统一欧元债券的收益率曲线将是安全的。
Much of the world could end up in a beggar-my-neighbour position towards an increasingly fiscally stretched US. 全球大部分地区最终可能会对财政上越来越紧张的美国施行以邻为壑政策。
Key challenges include the winding down of stimulus measures; providing for the unemployed in a fiscally sustainable manner; and maintaining openness towards international trade and investment. 需要应对的主要挑战包括逐步撤出刺激措施;以财政上可持续的方式救助失业人员;保持对国际贸易和国际投资的开放。