Resilient inserts are available for globe, piston and swing check discs. Changing valve through fishable pipe bridge plug without killing well 可以为截止阀、活塞或旋启式止回阀阀瓣提供弹性镶嵌物。利用可捞式油管桥塞不压井更换井口闸门技术
Changing valve through fishable pipe bridge plug without killing well 利用可捞式油管桥塞不压井更换井口闸门技术
An interim goal was set to insure that all navigable waters would be fishable and swimmable by1983. 而短期目标是到1983年保证通航水域可以钓鱼和游泳。
Ths paper reported growth characteristics and mortality parameters, and discussed fishable size of India Mackerel in Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground. 本文报道闽南&台湾浅滩渔场羽鳃鲐的生长特性和死亡参数,并讨论了捕捞规格问题。