Don't be afraid to ask your fishmonger to fillet flat fish. 尽管叫鱼贩子把比目鱼的鱼刺剔掉。
I got the fishmonger to skin the fish which helped save on the preparation time. 我让鱼贩把鱼鳞刮了,这样准备烹制时能省点儿事。
This will copy the linguistics scripts and your new fishmonger script to the emulator or an attached device. 这条命令将把linguistics脚本和您的新fishmonger脚本复制到模拟器或一个已连接设备。
Figure 6 shows the very busy fishmonger's list of recent orders. 图6显示了一个非常繁忙的海鲜店的最新订单列表。
After the installation completes, look for the icon labeled Fishmonger in your emulator. 安装完成后,在您的模拟器中查找标签为Fishmonger的图标。
You can explore the contents of the fishmonger directory. 您可以探索fishmonger目录的内容。
Some people go back to local small businesses: the Asian greengrocer, a Greek baker and a Greek fishmonger. 一些人愿意与当地的小商贩打交道,比如:亚洲菜贩,希腊面包师和希腊鱼贩。
However, fishmonger Rex Goldsmith thought the stunning lobster was too nice to eat and bought it before handing it over to researchers. 鱼贩子雷克斯戈德史密斯觉得这只龙虾太美了,就把它买下来交给了研究人员。
After being given scraps of fish by the generous fishmonger, the sea lion made her way back to the sea. 当慷慨的鱼贩把剩下的零碎的金枪鱼喂给它后,这头海狮便原路返回游进海里。
Sadly, the oyster found he was at a fishmonger's stall. A ticket on his back marked, For Sale! 牡蛎悲哀地发现自己正躺在鱼贩子的摊位上,背上还贴着一张写有出售字样的标签。
Of course, the so-called good woman was highly pleased and gave the dead cockroach to the fishmonger, who placed it in the basket of fish. 那个所谓的好女人当然非常高兴,就把死掉的蟑螂给了卖鱼的女人,放在她的篮子里。
The fishmonger is going to heaven. 那个卖鱼的女人会去天堂。
At Treasure Island seafood market, fishmonger Joe Brown says it may be too late for the president's trip to change anything. 在金银岛海鲜市场,鱼贩布朗说,总统的这次旅行要现状为时已晚。
A fishmonger was fined almost$ 200 by a court in Helsinki for allowing his fish to suffer while on sale at a local market, a Finnish newspaper is reporting. 据芬兰报纸报道,一名鱼贩被赫尔辛基一家法院罚款将近200美元,罪名是他在当地市场上卖鱼的时候听任鱼儿遭受折磨。