Chinese junior archers'training load arranged for each week is as large as that of adult athletes in other countries around the world according to FITA. 射箭青少年运动员周训练负荷安排与国际箭联颁布的世界各国家队成年运动员负荷平均水平持平。
In the FITA Field Finals Round, whenever a Judge accompanies a group he will start and stop the shooting verbally ( go for the start and stop when the3 minutes have passed). 在国际箭总原野射箭决赛局中,裁判在小组中将以口头进行开始和停止发射的发令动作(开始与结束3分钟的时限)。
The competition site will, according to FITA rules, be open for official practice one day before starting of the competition. 根据国际射箭联合会的规则,比赛用地可以在比赛开始前一天开放,供适应性训练使用。