She laughed and said that my five-year-old, Anna, was much better. 侯阿姨笑了,说我五岁的女儿安娜(Anna)都比我包得好多了。
A five-year-old boy can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people present. 一个五岁男孩会讲两门外语,这令所有在场的人感到非常惊讶。
After a further five-year-old children are bed-wetting, called enuresis patients. 再是五岁以后的孩子尿床,这叫患遗尿症。
Five-year-old daughter, I do not know regular nosebleeds What are the reasons? 我五岁的宝宝经常流鼻血不知是什么原因?
Two. A five-year-old daughter and a newborn son. 两个.一个五岁的女儿和出生不久的儿子。
Teacher: What? Any five-year-old child can solve it. 老师:什么?任何一个五岁的孩子都会。
Five-year-old, her road is still long lot, actually. 五岁了,她的路还早着呢。
Yes, I am and I have got a five-year-old daughter. 是的,我结婚了,还有一个五岁的女儿。
Their five-year-old son is able to use the calendar to count how many days it is until his birthday. 他们五岁的儿子能用日历数出离他的生日还有多少天。
Can it be true that he was fooled by a five-year-old boy? 他被一个五岁的孩子愚弄了,这能是真的吗?
Police are concerned for the safety of a five-year-old who disappeared while playing in a wood near his home. 警察在为一个在自己家附近的树林里玩耍时失踪的五岁小孩的安全担忧。
My five-year-old son was not picking up his toys while I was preparing dinner as I had asked him. 在我做晚饭时,我要求我五岁的儿子把他的玩具收拾起来,但是他没做。
The five-year-old boy is my brother. 这个五岁的男孩是我弟弟。
A red light is a signal of danger, which is even known to a five-year-old child. 红灯是危险的信号,这一点就连五岁的孩子都知道。
As we rolled five-year-old Mary into the MRI room, I tried to imagine what she must be feeling. 当我们把五岁的玛利推进核磁共振室的时候,我努力想象她的感受。
But I started begin to learning English from the five-year-old by my mother on the request. 但是我从五岁开始就在妈妈的要求下开始学习英语了。
I was a freckle-faced five-year-old on my grandmother's back porch in Lawrence, Kansas, when I first encountered a hummingbird. 我首次碰见蜂鸟是在家在堪萨斯州劳伦斯镇的祖母的后走廊里,那时的我是一个脸上生有雀斑的五岁小孩。