The innovation raised ( or increased) efficiency fivefold. 这项革新使工作效率提高五倍。
By 2006, this number had increased fivefold. 截至2006年,这一数字增加了五倍。
Although Apple's iPhone sales in China doubled in the third quarter, the growth slowed from more than fivefold in the preceding one. 虽然第三财季苹果在中国的iPhone销量实现翻番,但相比前一个季度四倍以上的增速还是慢了下来。
In the seven years since the first'' Transformers'' was shown, the number of commercial movie screens in China has increased fivefold, according to Mtime. 据时光网说,从第一部《变形金刚》在中国上映七年来,商业性电影银幕的数量已经翻了五倍。
The risk of a heart attack jumps nearly fivefold during the first hour after smoking marijuana. 开始抽大麻的一个小时之内,心脏病发的危险几乎会激增五倍。
Coal prices would have to rise nearly fivefold to match current oil prices on a unit-of-energy basis, he said, and the difference between the cost of the commodities'is actually widening. 布洛克指出,以同样的能源单位衡量,煤炭价格还要上涨近四倍才会与当前的油价看齐,而这两种商品的成本差距实际上却在扩大。
He is planning to increase Unilever's business in China four-or fivefold in the next few years. 坚持计划未来几年扩大联合利华在华业务。
Per capita income has grown fivefold. 中国的人均收入增长了4倍。
World ethanol production increased fivefold between 2000 and 2010 but would have to rise a lot further to meet all the targets. 从2000年到2010年,世界乙醇已经产量上升了五倍,但要想达到政府制定的目标,产量还必须进一步大举扩张。
ETF trading volumes in Hong Kong have risen almost fivefold since July, as an improvement in Chinese economic data drove international investors to seek exposure to stocks. 在香港市场上,交易所交易基金的成交规模自去年7月以来已经增长了近4倍,因为中国经济数据的改善促使国际投资者加大对中国相关股票资产的风险敞口。
Its project pipeline for the steelmaking ore has expanded fivefold since 2007. 自2007年以来,其炼钢用铁矿石开发项目的规模已经扩大了四倍。
The amount of compensation is equivalent to paying worker pay pay, economy to compensate summation come fivefold. 赔偿金的数额相当于支付劳动者工资报酬、经济补偿总和的一至五倍。
Since 1998, its copper consumption has more than tripled and its aluminium consumption has risen more than fivefold. 1998年以来,中国的铜消费量已经增长了两倍多,而铝消费量更是增长了4倍以上。