Even as court fashion took another turn towards flamboyance, the sombre three-piece look endured in smart society. 即使在法庭上,衣着也发生了改变。人们转向穿着暗淡的三件套,看起来更具内涵。
James was a gentle man, despite his flamboyance. 詹姆斯尽管有点浮夸,倒是个正派人。
He thought that I come far to visit you, and perhaps I should not wear so flamboyance clothes but you shouldn't rip up my scar like this. 心想我大老远跑来探望,也许我不该穿的这么华丽,可是你也犯不着这样揭我的疮疤吧!
The Illustrated London News presented him replete with a tall, round Puritan hat, his flamboyance signalled by an ostrich feather. 伦敦画报展现了他的一顶高而圆的清教徒帽,一根鸵鸟翎毛凸显了其雍容华贵。
Therefore, its floral language is flamboyance. 因此,它的花语就是-华丽。
The colonel came to be known ─ and lampooned abroad ─ as much for his flamboyance and eccentric lifestyle as for his obsession with absolute control. 卡扎菲因浮华而古怪的生活方式以及痴迷于对权力的绝对控制而出名,也因此在国外遭到讽刺。