All babies look flat-footed and when they walk the whole sole touches the ground 婴儿们看上去都是平足,他们走路的时候整个脚掌都着地。
He told me I was flat-footed. 他告诉我说我是平足。
The government could be caught flat-footed. 政府可能会猝不及防。
The teacher's question caught him flat-footed. 老师的讯问使他仓皇失措。
He said investors had been caught flat-footed by weaker data. 他说,较弱的数据让投资者措手不及。
We were caught completely flat-footed. 我们完全没有准备。
Those who once styled themselves foreign policy realists have been left flat-footed and embarrassed by the brave young idealists taking on the tyrants. 那些挑战暴君的勇敢的年轻理想主义者,让曾经标榜自己在外交政策方面务实的人陷入了手足无措和难堪的境地。
I am flat-footed when someone comes right at me, angling for a fight. 当别人单刀直入时我就会手足无措,就想和人家干一架。
We were all caught flat-footed when the Colonel made a surprise inspection. 上校突然来视察,我们被当场抓住。
In order to "avenge" I rushed into the "enemy" of the "barracks" the enemy caught flat-footed. 为了“报仇”我冲入“敌人”的“军营”将敌人打了个措手不及。
Unexpected company at supper time caught Mrs Ball flat-footed. 晚餐时间突然来了大批客人,使得鲍尔太太仓皇失措。
He looks flat-footed and he can not repair the broken flat iron well. 他看起来笨手笨脚哦,他无法把这个坏了的熨斗修好。
Critics of the company complain that, time and again, incumbent corporations are caught flat-footed by the rapid technological shifts of modern life. 对公司持批评态度的人士指出,现代生活快速的技术转变,一次又一次让大型公司措手不及。
Last week, along with e-mails from flat-footed employers telling staff how to behave at Christmas parties, I was forwarded two other equally seasonal messages bearing bad tidings of firings and fall-outs. 上周,除了笨手笨脚的雇主教诲员工在圣诞派对上应如何表现的电子邮件之外,我还收到了两封同样应景的转发邮件,都是有关解雇及争吵的坏消息。
His speed and skill makes other players look flat-footed. 他速度快,技术好,使其它运动员相形见绌。
They were caught flat-footed by the attack. 他们冷不防遭到了攻击。
The bonus is granted whenever the wielder holds the weapon, even if flat-footed. 无论持用者是否挥舞该武器甚至措手不及,都能获得该加值。
The most natural, straightforward, literal, flat-footed interpretation. 最自然,直接,理性和踏实的解释。
Paris, like Washington, has looked consistently flat-footed. 巴黎和华盛顿一样,一如既往地缺乏准备。
What wear improper shoe and cause flat-footed, callus, clavus, paronychia is not little also. 穿不合适的鞋而引起扁平足、胼胝、鸡眼、甲沟炎的也不少。
So when sudden public events occur, our advertisement appears some flat-footed, the process in coping with showed a lot of problems. 所以当突发公共事件发生时,我国的公益广告就显得有些措手不及,在应对的过程中表现出很多问题。