Lovers unfortunate enough to prepare breakfast for such types must brace themselves for the recriminations due to all false flatterers. 由于自己错误地像这类人闲了殷勤&准备早餐,所以不幸的情人们就得承受这殷勤招致的责难。
Pride will have you listen to flatterers and ignore honest counselors. 骄傲会使你喜欢人的恭维及忽视诚实的建议。
Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like. 男生在其它情况下都有不错的口才,但只是在和他心爱的女生说话的时候才会口痴。
A great man should disdain flatterers. a group of fawning admirers. 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。一群谄媚奉承的支持者。
People who praise everybody are no better than flatterers. 那些想赞美所有人的人跟马屁精没两样。
A real man disdains flatterers. 一个真正的男子汉鄙视谄媚者。
A good man should disdain flatterers. 好人应鄙视谄媚者。
Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man's self; certainly the lover is more. 这不仅是在言论上如此,因为一直都有这样一个很有见地的说法,说人主要吹嘘的是自己,但情人要算例外。
They always hold that we are flatterers around the king. 他们总是认为,我们是君王前狡诈谄媚之辈。
Don't trust flatterers. They usually want something for themselves.& Aesop 不要信任奉承别人的人,他们往往另有所图。&伊索
Flatterers look like friends, as wolves like dogs. 奉承者看似是朋友,正如狼之似狗。
Flatterers are good at licking the boots of bosses. 献魅者善于拍上司的马屁。
"When flatterers meet, the devil goes to dinner" 马屁精会面,魔鬼去赴宴
You heroes are ever flatterers, returned fulvia, hastening to appropriate the compliment specially to herself. 你们英雄总是拍马奉承的能手,福尔维亚忙不迭地把这句恭维话当作特别为她而说的。
The president was surrounded by careerists and flatterers. 总统周围全是追名逐利之徒和阿谀奉承之辈。