Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals 体制中存在的缺陷为金融丑闻的出现提供了土壤。
It's worth checking each item for obvious flaws 有必要逐件检查一下是否有明显的瑕疵。
There were, however, a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory 但是,他的货币理论中存在若干关键性错误。
Almost all of these studies have serious flaws. 几乎所有这些研究中都存在严重谬误。
Amnesty says there are fundamental flaws in their military justice system. 国际特赦组织称他们的军事司法体系存在着根本性的缺陷。
Her flaws were as large as her virtues 她的缺点和优点一样多。
His remark is full of contradictions and flaws. 他的话前后矛盾,破绽百出。
But I do think there are flaws in the western system of relying so heavily on Incentive systems. 但我确实认为西方过度依赖激励机制的体系是存在弊端的。
This afflicted German intelligence with two fatal flaws: inefficiency, and subjugation to a madman. 这给德国情报工作造成了两个致命的弱点,一个是缺乏效率,另一个是让一个疯子总管情报。
Cloud service security can be threatened by poor credentials, protocol exposure, and implementation flaws in remote management. 远程管理中的劣质凭证、协议暴露和实现缺陷都可能会威胁云服务安全性。
I am not perfect. I have many flaws. 我并不完美,我有很多缺陷。
While I still like this approach, it also has flaws. 尽管我仍然很喜欢这个方法,但它还是有缺陷的。
I sometimes ask others to critique my personality and my actions and reveal what they regard as my flaws. 我有时要求其他人批评我的个性和我的行动,这些显示他们关心我的缺点。
Perhaps, because of this, we have ignored the diplomatic flaws to some degree. 也许正因为此,我们可能就相对忽略了对外交缺陷的关注。
This article describes the application of seismic flaws brick, brick seismic design analysis of the problems. 本文介绍了砖房的应用及其抗震缺陷,分析了砖房抗震设计中存在的问题。
Basically, we recognized the flaws with the existing honor system. 基本上,我们已经认识到了目前荣誉系统的弊病。
Discuss vulnerabilities and security flaws on this public mailing list. 在这个公共邮件列表中讨论漏洞和安全隐患。
They seem to have more personality flaws and "issues" than the coachee. 他们似乎有着比受训者更多的性格缺陷和“问题”。
This is a huge advance over the original Surface with many of the major flaws corrected. 最初的Surface在修正了大量的缺陷之后取得了巨大的进步。
It also has flaws. 该法案也存在缺陷。
This repeatedly has led to the adoption of specifications with serious technical flaws. 这导致了具有严重技术缺陷的提案被采纳为标准。
The crisis has exposed serious flaws in many aspects of our financial system. 这场危机暴露出我们的金融体系在许多方面存在严重缺陷。
The conceptions of ownership and ownership of the firm have many flaws. “所有权”与“企业所有权”概念存在瑕疵和混乱。
You can see all the flaws from this angle. 从这个角度你可以看到所有的瑕疵。
It can detect flaws that could lead to cracks caused by fatigue, thermal damage, and corrosion. 它可以探测到由疲劳、热损伤和腐蚀引发的导致裂纹的缺陷。
Though ANN and SVM have many advantages, they all have fatal flaws. 虽然ANN和SVM都有很多优势,但是它们都有致命的缺陷。
These problems are symptomatic of three basic flaws in the current approach to the crisis. 这些问题反映了当前应对危机方式的三个基本缺陷。
I have my flaws, too. 我也有我的缺点。
My father definitely had his flaws and failings. 我父亲肯定有缺点和不足。
This mechanism most-ly solves the security flaws in WLAN. 这种机制从很大程度上解决了无线局域网的安全隐患问题。