He looked fleetingly like a small boy caught in wrongdoing. 在那一瞬间,他就像个做坏事被人抓住的小男孩。
People in this age always lost themselves in endless desire of fortune, or the fleetingly pleasant sensation. 这个年代的人们总是浮躁在贪得无厌的金钱中,或是瞬息即逝的快感中。
Material goods-even simple ones like ice cream cones, and massages-are only stimuli, things that fleetingly give people a boost. 甚至象冰淇凌、按摩如此简单的物质刺激,都能立马提高人的情绪。
Radio scripts and television pictures report facts immediately but only fleetingly, while printed texts and documents, though require a longer time to be produced, are permanently available and so permit reflection. 广播和电视画面能报道最新事件,但具有短暂特征;印刷文本和图画尽管出版时间较长,却具有长期保存特征和有思考时间。
Happiness comes fleetingly now and then to those who have learned to do without it, and to them only.& don marquis. 幸福不时短暂地来到那些学会以了没有幸福也能过的人那儿去,而且只到他们那儿去。马奎斯。
Then the LDP lost power fleetingly and almost accidentally to an eight-party coalition. 当时自民党很快而且几乎是意外地输给了八党联盟,失去了政权。
The tide was coming in too fast, the little waves were getting a bit higher-funny this shouldn't be so I thought fleetingly as I got out of the water and headed for my freshwater shower. 海潮来得太快了,海浪起初很小,然后越来越大-有趣的是,平常情况不是这样的,上岸后,我一边朝淋浴室走去一边若有所思地想道。
Indeed, even major central banks with vastly more firepower have failed to sway the Forex tide except fleetingly. 实际上,即便是拥有更多资金的主要国家央行也只能短暂地影响外汇市场的走势。
The quarks and gluons indeed break out of confinement and behave collectively, if only fleetingly. 夸克与胶子确实打破牢笼而表现出集体行为,虽然这种状态转瞬即逝。
She was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones. 她曾说,自己只是这些珠宝的暂时守护者,一张脸庞,一个身影,在电影镜头下匆匆走过,抑或者佩戴着这些首饰在柔和的镜头下摆出种种造型。
Nearly a third said that, for at least one image, they not only had an emotional reaction, but also fleetingly felt pain in the same site as the injury in the image. 近三分之一的调查对象称,至少有一张画面让他们不仅在情绪上有反应,而且自己身体与画面中人物伤痛的相同部位也有短暂疼痛感。
Greenlight refers fleetingly to being frustrated by the results and glancingly admits to mistakes. 绿光资本浮光掠影地提到对业绩感到沮丧,并且草草承认了错误。
One of Friedrich Hayek's obvious-once-pointed-out observations is that society is full of local knowledge, often of a subtle nature and only fleetingly exploitable. 弗里德里希哈耶克(FriedrichHayek)曾经指出的一个显而易见的观察就是,社会充满了局部知识,这些知识常常具有微妙特性,以及仅仅是瞬时的可利用性。
I wondered fleetingly if Jill was as old as she said she was. 我脑海中闪出疑问,是否吉尔真的像她说的那样老。
Type Judgment fleetingly on the Complicated Fault from Bus Protection Information 母线保护信息中快速判断复杂故障的类型