He said the allegations were manufactured on the flimsiest evidence. 他说这些指控都是凭空捏造的。
And even the flimsiest models have reliability records that as recently as a decade ago would be viewed as exemplary. 就算是最不上档次的车型,性能也非常可靠,而仅仅是十年前这就算是楷模了。
In the midst of the Boston crisis last week, the US Senate scuttled the flimsiest attempt to tighten screening of gun buyers. 上周在波士顿危机期间,美国参议院挫败了试图对购枪者加强背景核查的微薄努力。
The measure eliminates the flimsiest bags and forces stores to charge for others, making China the latest nation to target plastic bags in a bid to cut waste and conserve resources. 这项措施取消了超薄塑料袋的使用,并要求商场必须对其他塑料袋收费。此举使中国成为为减少浪费和节约资源而把矛头指向塑料袋的最新国家。
But beneath the disinfectant smell, the unmistakable odor of fish lingered as the flimsiest calling card of a former tenant. 但是,消毒剂的味道下,难以掩盖的鱼腥味宣告着前租户的身份。
All his friends and relatives declined with the flimsiest of excuses. 他的所有朋友和亲人都用最没有说服力的借口拒绝了他。
It does not meet even the flimsiest rule of law test. 它连最基础的法治标准都达不到。
Given the condition of their economies, many of them need only the flimsiest of excuses to avoid confronting their voters with higher energy prices. 考虑到本国的经济条件,许多领导人只需要最苍白的借口,就能避免因能源价格上涨而遭到选民诘难。
The love of scandal is an expression of this general malevolence any story against another woman is instantly believed, even on the flimsiest evidence. 喜欢飞短流长的谈论人家的阴私,就是这种一般的恶意的表现:对别一个女人不利的故事,立刻被人相信,哪怕是捕风捉影之谈。
Even the flimsiest of science fiction or the nastiest of horror stories or the most intricate of spy novels uses this as the mortar to bond together its narrative. 即便是最天花乱坠的科幻小说、最荒唐无稽的恐怖小说和最错综复杂的间谍小说也都用这些元素作为粘合叙述的灰泥。