They have left their bones, their flints and pots, their place names and tribal names and little besides except a stain, seldom vivid, on the consciousness of their white successors. 他们留下了自己的尸骸、燧石、壶罐、地名和部落名,此外就没留下什么,除了白人后继者的意识中并不清晰的污痕。
A piece of flint that is struck to light a fire. lighter, smokers ', parts of ( excl. flints and wicks) 抽烟用打火机零件,(不包括火石和灯芯)
Percussion methods of fire-lighting date back to Paleolithic times, when some Stone Age tool-makers discovered that chipping flints produced sparks. 打击生火方法的日期要返回到旧石器时代,当一些石器时代工具生产者发现打火石碎片产生火花。
Brindley worked, for example, to improve the grinding of flints, which were used in the rising pottery industry. 例如,布林德雷努力改进燧石的研磨过程,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业使用的材料。
A pyrophoric alloy of iron with cerium; used for lighter flints. 一种含铁和铈的发火合金,用作打火石。
A small tool for sharpening the flints was also found with the body. 在奥兹身边还发现了一个用来磨利燧石的小工具。
A certain Gallais, afterwards killed in the Rue Beaubourg in the affair of April, boasted of having in his house seven hundred cartridges and twenty-four flints. 一个名叫加雷、日后四月事件发生那天在博布尔街被杀的人,常夸口说在他家里有七百发子弹和二十四颗火石。
A ductile gray metallic element of the lanthanide series; used in lighter flints; the most abundant of the rare-earth group. 一种有延展性的灰色金属元素,用作打火石,稀土属元素中含量最丰富的一种。
An alloy that emits sparks when struck or scratched with steel; used in lighter flints. 与钢撞击或摩擦时能发出火花的合金,用作打火石。
Flint, further worked than roughly split or squared ( excl. filter tubes and flints for lighters) 燧石,经除粗劈或粗削方以外的进一步加工(不包括汉滤管和打火机用火石)