
网络  锁频环; 外语学习; 锁相环; 载波频率跟踪



  1. To the question of Carrier Synchronization with low signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR) and High Dynamic, using the method of combining FLL with PLL to actualize the carrier tracking.
  2. There exists necessity and certain requirements for adult students'autonomous FLL.
  3. The Study of Carrier Tracking Based on FLL and PLL
  4. A Study on Carrier Tracking FLL for Extremely-low-CNR Highly-dynamic Signals
  5. I remember thinking on the first day I was going to fll madly in love with one of the boys and spend in next years of my life kissing and waltzing.
  6. Technology of carrier tracking for high dynamic signals based on FLL and PLL cascade
  7. The mastery of vocabulary meaning is difficult in foreign language learning ( FLL).
  8. FLL/ PLL Combination-Based Approach to Carrier Tracking Applied in Navigation Receiver
  9. In frequency synthesizer, especially in wideband ( synthesizer,) phase noise at the middle-far band from carrier frequency will be improved effectively by adding a frequency-locked loop ( FLL) to VCO. The FLL has become a key technology in advanced frequency synthesizer.
  10. In recent years, frequency locked loops ( FLL) have been used in some space communication, remote control and remote measurement systems as tracking filters to track the targets having great dynamic parameters or the signals with rapidly varying phase.
  11. The Explanative and Procedural Semantics of FLL Analysing Prolog from advantage of process
  12. Conclusion Different FLL showed different enhancement patterns of the contrast-enhanced ultrasound, which provide the new basis for the differential diagnosis of FLL; real time gray-scale contrast tuned imaging was a useful technique in differential diagnosis of FLL.
  13. The GPS signal tracking algorithm includes a 4-quadrant frequency discriminator of the carrier, an FLL of carrier and a DLL of the code.
  14. Whereas, with more and more fashionable ideas striking the field of FLL, this traditional way of learning seems to be out of date.
  15. Frequency/ time two dimension N channels acquisition is adopted in PN sequence acquisition, frequency locked loop and phase locked loop are used in carrier recovery, coordinated rotation digital computer is employed in phase computing.
  16. Objective To evaluate the clinical merit of low mechanical index continuous contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the diagnosis of focal liver lesions ( FLL) for differentiating benign from malignancy.
  17. Objective To evaluate the usefulness of conventional ultrasound ( B mode ultrasound plus color Doppler imaging) and contrast-enhanced ultrasound ( CEUS) in diagnosis of focal liver lesions ( FLL).
  18. FLL and PLL extract phase by CORDIC algorithm, and adopt 21-grade pipeline structure, ensuring high extraction accuracy and reducing the circuit delay effectively.
  19. It is widely acknowledged that affect plays an important role in FLL& T. Teacher feedback is an important component of teacher talk, whose role in SLA as well as in EFL teaching cannot be neglected.
  20. There is a periodic phase coincidence phenomenon between two arbitrary frequency signals and the period of the phase coincidence is relation with the frequency relation of those two signals. Based on this principle a new FLL ( frequency locked loop) is realized.
  21. This paper is divided into three parts, which can be followed as the discussion of the principle and structure of DLL, FLL and PLL, procedure of signal processing and discriminator algorithm.
  22. A familiar high dynamic carrier track scheme based on FLL/ PLL switch is introduced, and then a joint FLL+ PLL carrier track scheme that is suitable for high dynamic circumstance is brought forward.
  23. Researches on language learning motivation ( LLM) have been conducted for forty years in the field of foreign language learning ( FLL) and second language acquisition-( SLA).
  24. Motivation is regarded as a key factor in FLL. It has considerable influence on learning achievement.
  25. FLL is used to track the rapid changing frequency. When the frequency is guided to the scope of PLL, PLL tracks the change of phases and precisely locks the carrier frequency.
  26. In the light of this, more researches have been made on affective aspects in FLL& FLT in China, but most of them are more theoretical and less practical.