A decision against the cigarette companies could open the floodgates to many more lawsuits 不利于烟草公司的裁决可能引发更多的官司。
Would it not set a precedent? Would it not open the floodgates? 难道它不会成为先例吗?难道它不会引发更多类似的问题吗?
North Korea opened floodgates Sunday morning on a hydropower dam on its side of the North-South border. 北韩星期天上午打开南北韩分界线北韩一侧一座水电站大坝的闸门。
Almost half the British men opened the floodgates over a sad movie, book or TV program. 大约有一半的英国男性因为看令人悲伤的电影、书或电视节目而流泪。
This opened the floodgates, allowing Web developers ( plus hobbyists, tinkerers, and others) to mash all sorts of data ( everything from nuclear disasters to Boston's CowParade cows) onto maps. 这仿佛打开了一道大门,让Web开发人员(包括爱好者、修补程序开发人员和其他一些人)可以在地图中包含所有类型的数据(从原子弹灾难到波士顿的CowParade奶牛都可以)。
These conversation topics will open up her emotional floodgates. 这样的话题能够打开她情绪的闸门。
Her team's experiments, which will be outlined in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, found giving in to our bodily needs opens the floodgates to wanting more fulfilments. 她的研究团队通过实验发现,对生理需求的屈从会促使人们去寻求更多满足。这项研究将发表在心理科学协会的月刊《心理科学》上。
You want an industry to have the chance to find its own voice before you open the floodgates, he said. 你会想让这个产业在打开闸门前,有机会找到自己的声音,李威达。
A government spokesman threatened to retaliate by opening the floodgates. 一位政府发言人威胁要打开闸门以进行报复。
Some Fed officials considered Chile and India as possible recipients, but were reluctant to open the 'floodgates' to requests from other countries. 一些美联储官员也曾考虑把智利和印度作为提供美元互换协议的潜在对象,但却不愿打开向其他国家提供美元的闸门。
Thousands of people in the American state of Louisiana are being evacuated after floodgates were opened on Saturday to relieve pressure from the swollen Mississippi River. 防洪闸门在周六被开启,缓解了暴涨的密西西比河的压力,随后路易斯安那州数千人被疏散。
But with the economic downturn last year, the government told banks to open the credit floodgates. 但随着去年经济陷入低迷,政府鼓励银行放开了信贷闸门。
This opened the floodgates of revolution. 这就打开了革命的闸门。
Local governments have accumulated an unprecedented mountain of debt in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis after Beijing opened credit floodgates, backing state-owned banks to lend to state-backed infrastructure projects. 2008年全球金融危机过后,北京方面打开信贷闸门,支持国有控股银行向政府支持的基建项目放贷,最终导致地方政府积累了金额空前的债务。
The discussion sessions allow people to open the floodgates to their deepest fears. 这些讨论会使人们尽情倾诉心中的恐惧。
They are used for connecting the sluice of the Three-gorge Dam and the gantry or disconnecting them. Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate. 该液压系统为三峡大坝泄洪闸实现与门机联接或脱开的系统。东欧的政治剧变打开了移民的泄洪闸,成千上万的人急于移民他国。
Let's not get carried away that the floodgates are about to open, said Fraser Howie, an expert on China's capital markets. 让我们不要忘乎所以,认为防洪闸将开启,中国资本市场专家侯伟(FraserHowie)表示。
Opening the floodgates to foreign investment, even from China, could trigger destabilising social change. 向外资敞开大门,即便仅向中资敞开,也可能引发有损稳定的社会转变。
Last Tuesday Janine Huard, now79, became the first still sane survivor to be offered compensation, and legal experts believe her secret settlement will open the floodgates for other victims. 上周二,现今79岁的杰妮?华尔德成为第一个依然神智清醒并且获得了赔偿的幸存者。法律专家认为,这一秘密赔偿将会为其他受害者索赔打开水闸门。
A public conflict with the female vice president opened the floodgates for others who were upset with me. 与女学生会主席的公开冲突打开了其他人不满的闸门。
Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate. 东欧的政治剧变打开了移民的泄洪闸,成千上万的人急于移民他国。
Napster shut down in2001, opening the file-sharing floodgates. 2001年,(旧版)Napster网站关闭,开启了文件共享之源。
More floodgates are to be opened in the coming days for the first time in several decades. 未来几天,还有更多的防洪闸门将被开启,在几十年来尚属首次。
We start now, it'll open the floodgates. 我们一旦开了这个先例。
An epoch-making recital in 1978 in Beijing by Zhou Guangren opened the floodgates. 1978年,周广仁在北京举行的一场划时代独奏会,开启了闸门。
This is the key to unlock the floodgates. 这是打开感情洪水坝的钥匙。
But Blackstone investors should not expect the strategic stake to open the floodgates. 然而,黑石投资者不应指望此次战略入股会打开中国交易的闸门。
Alternatively, central banks might prioritise financial stability over price stability and keep the monetary floodgates open for as long as possible. 或者,央行可能将金融稳定的任务置于价格稳定之上,从而尽可能长时间地维持货币闸门的开放。
But starting in late 2008, when the government opened the credit floodgates and ordered banks to lend as much as they could, all the careful risk management work appeared to go out the window. 但从2008年末开始,政府打开了信贷闸门,下令银行尽可能多地发放贷款,于是,此前所有谨慎的风险控制工作,似乎被抛在脑后。