He can't swim much, he just flops about in the water. 他不大会游泳,只能在水中乱扑打。
A big part of the answer is that trying to create something truly new means generating lots and lots of ideas, with the understanding that most of them are going to be flops. 很大程度上是因为:创造某种全新的东西意味着需要想出许许多多的点子,同时明知其中绝大多数都将归于失败。
He was dressed in casual clothes in court Tuesday, including flip flops on his feet, the same clothes he was wearing when arrested. 星期二,他在法庭穿着休闲服装,包括当他被捕时脚上所穿的一双人字拖鞋。
Your hardware vendor should have benchmark data stating the expected Memory, CPU ( FLOPS), Disk, and Network performance. 硬件厂商应该有基准测试数据,这些数据说明预期的内存、CPU(FLOPS)、磁盘和网络性能。
Power to computing can be measured in terms of a typical performance metric per Watt& for example, FLOPS/ Watt or input/ output per second/ Watt for computing and I/ O, respectively. 计算功率可采用标准的每瓦特性能形式来度量&例如,FLOPS/Watt或分别用于计算和I/O的每秒/瓦特输入/输出。
Rpeak, theoretical peak flops. flop的理论峰值。
The 6600 filled four cabinets with hardware, a Freon cooling system, and a single CPU capable of 3 million floating-point operations per second ( FLOPS). 6600使用硬件、Freon冷却系统和能完成每秒浮点操作数为3百万的单个CPU填充了四个机柜。
Nmax, the matrix size N that gives the highest flops. 得出最高flop时所使用的矩阵大小N。
Some of her ventures have succeeded her interview show has been one of the past decade's megahits while others, including her Sun TV network, have been huge flops. 她的冒险有的成功了&她的访谈节目至今仍被人们认为是过去十年的经典,而包括她的阳光卫视网络在内的其他项目却是巨大的失败。
Well, that cleared that up. Perhaps wisely, press screenings are exempt from any dress code: scruffy journalists are free to ascend the Palais 'steps in flip flops and trainers. 好了,这下清楚了,媒体放映场没有任何着装要求:着装邋遢的记者们可穿着人字拖与运动鞋随意踏上皇宫广场(Palais)的阶梯。
That's why there are six big studios: Smaller ventures that lack a reservoir of films have trouble surviving flops. 这就是为何现在有六大电影公司:缺少电影库存的小公司是无法在危机中存活下来的。
So, when a book with a large print run flops, publishers end up with an expensive pile of recycling. 所以当一本印数巨大的书滞销时,出版商只能会花巨资回收。
He has had his share of flops, too. 但他也有败走麦城的时候。
Making it cheaper to develop a broader range of models means being less vulnerable to flops. 以更低廉的成本开发更广泛的产品,意味着降低了企业遭受重挫的可能性。
In other words, they were flops. 换句话说,它们失败了。
Kop flops Andriy Voronin and Ryan Babel could all leave Liverpool next month as Rafa Benitez looks to raise funds in order to strengthen his stuttering squad. 利物浦失意之人沃罗宁和巴贝尔可能下个月将全部离开利物浦,贝尼特斯希望出售两人筹集资金加强球队。
Marry is out in the pasture gathering cow flops for her garden. 玛丽正在牧场上拾牛粪,作花园肥料用。
Both in the US and Shanghai, sandals and flip flops are popular summer footwear for males and females. 夏季的男女,不管在美国还是在上海,凉鞋和夹趾拖鞋都很流行。
Every muddy step would suck the flip flops off your feet! 每一个泥泞的步骤将吸触发器把你的脚!
A swift and reliable means of punishing flops during a game is the only true solution. 在比赛进行中迅速且准确地惩罚假摔是唯一的正解。
He says suddenly, grabbing at the broken elastic that is supposed to mark the page in my notebook but instead flops around like a misplaced bookmark. 他突然说道,一手抓住我用来标识笔记本页码的断橡皮筋,这玩意儿看来就像用错了地方的书签。
The People magazine special issue also looked at some of the fashion flops of2009. 本期《人物》特刊还回顾了2009年的时尚败笔。
Some quipped that someone should forward the memo to all the foreigners arriving in sweat pants and flip flops. 一些人嘲弄说,应该把这个小册子转发给所有穿着运动裤和人字拖来北京的外国人。
He may not like it, but Comolli knows it's the fate of the sporting director to be remembered for his flops. 他可能并不喜欢,但是科莫里明白体育总监的命运-总会因为那些失败的收购而被人记住。
When it announced in June that both the fields that had entered production were flops, the collapse began. 今年6月份,该公司在宣布两个投入生产的油田都遭遇失败,崩溃过程就开始了。
The Study on Multi-purpose Computer Aided System; this computer can perform a million flops per second. 海事行政执法计算机辅助系统的研制这种计算机每秒可以执行一百万次浮点运算。
Meanwhile, players perform the'archer's bow'pose in28% of flops, which is when they bend backwards and throw their arms in the air when they're hit in order to gain a referee's attention. 与此同时,28%的假摔中,球员会摆出“射手之弓”的姿势,即被踢中时身体后弯、双手向空中摆动以引起裁判员的注意。
When the hat has been poured full, he flops it over to fill the other side. 当帽子被灌满后,他又将帽子翻过来再灌。
Lemme jump in right at that point because we know that both adults and kids especially tend to wear these kinds of shoes, Crocs, flip flops, Uggs, whatever. 我们就来谈谈这一点,因为我们知道成人和孩子都特别喜欢穿这种鞋子,卡骆驰鞋、人字拖、乌戈牌拖鞋,诸如此类。