(复花花序的)小花 On a flowering plant, a floret is a small flower that is part of a larger flower.
(花椰菜等蔬菜的)花部 On vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, a floret is one of the small, flower-shaped pieces which make up the part of the vegetable that you eat.
Snapdragons, calceolaria, and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly. 金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。
Mr. Shor makes a salad with a handful of broccoli florets, thinly sliced carrots, a 'small hint' of mayonnaise and five dried cranberries. 肖尔用一把花椰菜、切成细条的胡萝卜、一丁点蛋黄酱和五个蔓越橘干做沙拉。
Effect of Low Temperature on Physiological Indexes of Ray Florets in Winter Chrysanthemum at Different Flowering Stages Study on Cold Resistance of Cucurbita moschata Seedlings under Low Temperature 低温下2个寒菊品种不同开放期舌状花生理指标变化及其抗寒性差异低温处理对裸仁南瓜幼苗抗寒性指标的影响
Class 3 Regular Incurve: The florets smoothly incurve and form a ball. 第三型规则内曲型:小花平顺地向内曲成球形。
With a poached egg and a slice of good bread, the caramelized florets make a quick and delicious weeknight supper. 再配上一个水煮鸡蛋,一片面包,美味的焦糖小花,很快就能做出周一至周五可口美味的晚饭。
Silky-leaved aromatic perennial of dry northern parts of the northern hemisphere; has tawny florets. 北半球干燥的北部地区的一种多年生植物,叶具有绢毛、芳香;具有茶色小花。
The experimentsalso showed that the nitrogen metabolism was favourable for the DIFFE-RENTIATION of floret primordia, while the carbon metabolism promoted thedevelopment of florets. 研究还表明,氮代谢利于小花原基分化,碳代谢促进小花发育。
Divide the cauliflower into florets and wash them thoroughly. 把菜花掰成一块块小花,然后仔细把它们洗干净。
Considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers. 被认为是双子叶植物纲中最高级的一种,其特点是花冠的大量浓密管状小花,看上去犹如一朵花。
Herb of central and southern Europe having purple florets. 欧洲中部和南部草本植物,有紫色小花。
Any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays. 向日葵属植物,黑色花盘,金黄色放射状花瓣。
Stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and Eastern europe. 无干的多年生草本植物,叶子带刺下边长绒毛,莲座丛中开有白色或紫棕色单个花组成的大花;阿尔卑斯山地区或欧洲东部。
The phenomenon of ear barren tip composed from aborted kernels and florets without fecundation at the tip of ear is an important factor causing yield losses. 玉米果穗顶部败育的籽粒和未受精的小花构成的秃尖现象是一个重要的减产因素。
There was not distinctive difference on pollen viability and germination percentage between blooming florets and those near blooming in same inflorescence. 同一花序上正在开放与接近开放的小花,其花粉的活力和萌发率无明显差别。
The corn's growth period, especially the reproductive stage, is significantly elongated, which is favorable to the differentiation of florets and the formation of big ears. 玉米的生育期特别是生殖生长期显著延长,有利于小花分化和大穗形成。
High contents of iPA and ZR at the pistil and stamen primordium differentiation stage could promote the formation of fertile florets per spike. 雌雄蕊原基分化期幼穗中高含量的ZR和iPA,小花分化数多,较高含量的ZR和iPA有利于小花分化。
The results were that the ratios of various florets varied in different season. F. 结果表明:不同季节,各种小花的比率不同。
ACC content and ethylene evolution rate from florets was lower by the AVG treatment. 此外,AVG处理明显抑制小花中ACC含量和乙烯释放量。
In order to raise the rate of haploid embryo in wheat X maize, different position and development status of wheat florets were chosen to study their difference in haploid embryo rates. 为了提高小麦×玉米的单倍体胚诱导频率,以玉米品种“白甜糯”和4个小麦品系为材料,研究了小麦不同穗位、不同发育进度的小花对小麦×玉米单倍体胚诱导频率的影响。
The effect of the formation process of the ear-stem vascular system on the differentiation and development of the spikelets, florets and seed set was also discussed. 本文还就穗-茎维管系统的形成过程对小穗小花分化、结实的可能影响作了讨论。
In 168 florets fixed after pollination, 2.38% had double fertilization and produced embryo and endosperm, but the endosperm development was slower than that of the embryo, 1.79% had only embryo and 1.19% had only endosperm. 观察的168个四倍体大燕麦子房中,238%发生了双受精,产生了胚和胚乳;179%发生了单卵受精,只产生胚乳而无胚;
With delaying sowing, the numbers of spikelets and florets decreased, while the fertile florets were increased. 小穗数和小花数随迟播而减少,可育小花数随迟播而增加。
The numbers of spikelets and fertile florets were controlled by the rate of differentiation. 小穗数与可育小花数的多少由其分化速度决定。
The results showed that there were obviously significant variations in the length of ear heads, number of spikelets and florets of the population within plot and among plots, and within year and among years respectively. 结果表明,羊草种群的单穗长度、小穗数和小花数的生态可塑性变化在样地内和样地间,以及年度内和年度间均达到了极显著水平。
The results were as follows: ( 1) The effect of different storage temperatures ( 273,278,283,293and303K) on color and chlorophyll content of postharvest broccoli florets was investigated. 研究结果分述如下:(1)研究了不同贮藏温度(273、278、283、293和303K)对青花菜在贮藏期间颜色和叶绿素含量的影响。
Florets and seeds per spikelet distributed on the upper panicle. 无芒雀麦的小穗主要分布在花序的下部,小穗上的小花数和种子数则在花序的上部最多。
In this paper, the effect and the possible mechanisms of light, sucrose and glucose treatment on delaying senescence and preservation of broccoli florets were investigated. 本论文以青花菜为研究对象,分别研究光照、蔗糖、葡萄糖处理对延缓青花菜采后衰老和保鲜的作用及其机理。