In Britain it dates back to the 1700s-there is one tree in Scotland somewhere which apparently has a florin stuck into it.` 在英国这个传统可以追溯到18世纪。苏格兰某地的一棵许愿树里还嵌有一枚弗罗林币。
Answer by Bill Florin, writer and entrepreneur 作家、创业者比尔•弗洛林的回答
The next morning when she woke up, I do not know whether she continued to quarrel, or whether she went out to look for the florin that she wanted to find. 第二天早上,他们醒来后没有继续吵闹,莉莎后来究竟有没有出去找她想得到的那块金币,那我们就不知道了。
That's almost 10 per cent of the population of South Korea, says Gerhard Florin, head of EA's international operations. These are unbelievable numbers. 这几乎是韩国总人口的10%,电子艺界国际业务主管格哈德•弗洛林(GerhardFlorin)表示,这些数字令人难以置信。