She was flossing her teeth at the time. 当时她正在用牙线剔牙。
David Feldman, in New York, schedules his tooth flossing to coincide with his regular browsing of online discussion groups. 纽约的大卫费尔德曼把用洁牙线清洁牙缝安排在日常浏览网上讨论之时。
Outside of regular brushing and flossing, effective measures to allay this disease are limited, Shimazaki, of Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, and colleagues note in the Journal of Periodontology. 日本福冈九州岛的岛崎教授及其同事在《牙周病学》期刊中提到,除了勤刷牙和用牙线清洁牙齿外,能够有效缓解这一疾病的方法比较有限。
Daily. Flossing is linked not only to healthy teeth, but to heart health as well. 每天都用牙线清洁,不仅有利于牙齿健康,也对心脏健康有好处。
Effective brushing and flossing unbind bacteria-laden plaque from the surface of teeth. 有效的刷牙和使用牙线能使细菌斑快速从牙齿表面脱离。
So walk up and ask for her opinion on blind dates after a breakup, on flossing before or after brushing, on just about anything. 那么就走上前问问她一些意见吧,比如:分手后对相亲,刷牙后对牙线洁牙,或者任何事情的意见。
This might include washing the dishes, putting away all the leftovers and flossing and cleaning your teeth thoroughly. If you've done this, you're less likely to be tempted to put anything but herbal tea past your lips late at night. 你可以把碗碟洗干净了,把残羹剩菜收起来,彻底清洁牙齿,如果你做了以上这些事的话,那除了喝几口草本茶之外,你就不太会想再吃其他东西了。
Flossing is also very important. 使用牙线也很重要。
Studies show that flossing is much more important than brushing. 用牙线清洁牙齿比刷牙要重要得多。
But the app also instructs users to pick from a list of health-and happiness-minded tasks running, flossing, calling Mom or Dad in addition to the usual personal or work-related to-do list. 不过这款应用会要求用户列出一张与健康或幸福有关的任务清单,比如跑步、用牙线清洁牙齿、给父母打电话等等,此外也有与工作或生活有关的日常任务清单。
Let's assume you are already paying off your credit cards, contributing to your 401 ( k) at work and flossing after every meal. 让我们假设你已经还清了信用卡债务,缴纳了养老保险,每次用餐后都用牙线清洁了牙缝。
Flossing reduces the plaque that hides in between your teeth and it also has a body benefit. 牙线可以减少牙齿见隐藏着的菌斑,而且还对身体有好处。
This includes regular tooth brushing and flossing, and/ or the use of mechanical irrigators to remove accumulations of food after eating. 这包括常规的刷牙和使用牙线,并且/者使用机械的口腔清洗器来清除饮食后口腔中储积的食物。
The gums are swollen, soft, and may bleed, particularly during brushing or flossing. 牙龈出现肿胀,变软,同时可能出血,尤其是在刷牙或使用牙线清洁牙齿时。
Finally, there is an effective alternative to flossing that feels great and is simple to complete. 现在终于有一种比牙线更有效且方便的方法让一般人选择使用。
Studies have shown that when flossing is combined with brushing up to70% of plaque is removed. 研究表明,当用牙线与刷牙高达70%的斑块合并被删除。
Recent studies are beginning to show that flossing can improve much than just your teeth and your breath. 亲爱的瑜伽爱好者:最近的研究显示使用牙线可以改善您的牙齿和您口腔中的气味。
Fourth ( and this is really important) I do not equate myself with my flossing methodology. 第四(一点非常重要)我不把自己和牙线使用方法划等号。
While regular brushing and flossing remain essential to good dental health, the research indicates that some people may have a genetic tendency to dental problems. 虽然经常刷牙对于牙齿健康很重要,但研究人员指出,某些人可能具有发生牙科疾病的遗传倾向。
Flossing gets out hidden food particles and removes plaque, a coating of bacteria that forms around the tooth. 丝线可以驱除隐藏的食物残渣并去除牙齿周围的形成的菌斑。
"Not only should you take good care of your periodontal health with daily tooth brushing and flossing, you should expect to get a comprehensive periodontal evaluation every year," he advised. “你不仅应该每天用牙刷和牙线,来好好照顾你的牙周健康,你也要每年去做一个综合性牙周健康评估,”他建议到。
As you age, cavities become less of an issue, and gum health becomes much more important. That's why flossing is so crucial: It is particularly good for gum health. 随着年岁渐长,蛀牙逐渐不成为问题,而牙龈健康则越来越重要,这就是用牙线洁牙的重要性所在。