Following on from the technical glitches that marred the flotations of Facebook and BATS Global Markets this year, comes Wednesday's erroneous trading in 148 shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 今年以来技术故障已导致Facebook和BatsGlobalMarkets首发上市出现问题,上周三纽约证交所(NYSE)又出现了148只股票交易异常的情况。
The flotations boom has also generated much ancillary work, since many of the big city brokers lack the resources to handle the sizeable pipeline of companies coming to the market. 企业上市热潮也产生了许多辅助性工作,因为金融城许多大型经纪公司资源不足,无法应对大量等待上市的企业。
Although investigative work for flotations declined precipitously, the London office was able to provide other clients for the fledgling agency. 尽管拟上市公司的财务调查业务急剧下降,伦敦总所还是替刚刚起步的代表处介绍了其他客户。
Such jitters caused several green-energy firms to cancel planned flotations. 这些忧虑导致几个环保能源公司取消了计划好的股票发行活动。
Shares in China Construction Bank rose by a less-than-expected 32 per cent on their first day of trading on the Shanghai market yesterday, indicating that the burst of recent flotations may be starting to damp investor demand. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)股票昨日在上海市场上市首日上涨32%,涨幅低于预期,这显示,最近新股的大量上市可能已开始抑制投资者的需求。
They expect a pick-up in IPO activity next year, arguing that rising share prices, low volatility in equity markets, and brighter economic prospects will spur a recovery in flotations, especially in the second half. 他们预期明年IPO数量会有所增加,理由是股价上涨、股市波动性降低以及经济前景更加光明,都将刺激企业积极寻求上市,尤其是在下半年。
Steven Sun, HSBC China equity strategist, says there are still billions of non-tradable shares locked up from earlier flotations that will be released on to the market in the second half of this year. 汇丰银行中国股票策略师StevenSun表示,今年下半年,仍将有数十亿股解禁的非流通股进入股市。
A vigorous pipeline of IPOs is a sure sign of a healthy and expanding economy, and successful flotations create a positive feedback loop that stimulates entrepreneurship, jobs and invention. 富有活力的IPO渠道,是经济健康与增长的明确信号。成功的上市活动会促成积极的反馈回路,进而刺激创业、就业与发明。
About$ 200m of the disposed assets were pre-IPO investments Lehman had made in Chinese companies ahead of planned stock market flotations, which then failed to materialise because of the financial crisis. 约2亿美元被处置资产是首次公开发行(IPO)前投资,雷曼在一些中国企业计划中的股票发行前做出了这些投资,由于金融危机,这些公司后来没能上市。
Planned initial public offerings worth more than$ 21bn have been pulled from the global market in the first two months of the year, a figure almost double the amount raised through successful flotations, new data will show today. 今日将发布的最新数据显示,今年头两个月,全球市场已推迟了逾210亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)计划,规模几乎相当于同期成功上市所筹金额的两倍。
Flotations of insurance brokers in Asia Pacific are rare. 在亚太地区,保险经纪公司上市尚属罕见。
As most exchanges functioned as practical monopolies, the flotations have triggered a huge one-off increase in profitability. 两种并购方式由于多数交易所基本上是垄断运作,所以上市活动已引发赢利能力出现一次性的大幅增长。
Although flotations and cross-border mergers involving Chinese companies have been good to many firms, the mass rush into China has led to competition on prices. 虽然开设分所和对中国律所实施跨国合并对于许多外国律所来说,很是有利,但外国律所大量涌入中国也导致了价格竞争。
Mr Abbott insisted the exchange planned to remain independent and member-owned, in spite of the wave of consolidation and flotations that is sweeping through the exchange world. 阿博特坚称,尽管整合和上市浪潮正在席卷全球各大交易所,但该交易所仍计划保持独立性和会员所有制。
However, interest in flotations has risen in recent months, triggered by the sharp stock market rally that began in March. 然而,受3月份以来股市大幅走高推动,近几个月股市对上市新股的兴趣已有所上升。
At the beginning of 2009, things were not looking promising for initial public offerings from Chinese companies, not least because regulators had stopped approving flotations on mainland stock exchanges. 2009年初,就中国企业首次公开发行(IPO)而言,情况看起来不甚乐观,原因之一是监管机构已经停止批准企业在内地证交所上市。
This theme of forced sales in 2013 could be good news for those looking to invest in European IPOs, as non-discretionary flotations are often priced more conservatively to ensure success. 2013年,被迫出售资产的主题可能对希望投资欧洲IPO的人构成利好,因为这种非自愿上市活动为了确保发行成功,在定价方面通常更加保守。
The test has proven that the single flotation process including rough and cleaner flotations is effective on the recovery of niobium niobium minerals using the reagent as collector, and the grade and the recovery of niobium concentrate are satisfactory. 试验结果表明,只需采用单一的浮选流程就可使试料中铌矿物得到有效的回收,使铌精矿的品位和回收率达到令人满意的结果。
After stabilizing treatment of four kinds of inorganic pharmacies, three kinds of organic acid ( salt) pharmacies, and two kinds of thiol flotations, there is no significant change in the phase composition of chromium slag. 经4种无机药剂、3种有机酸(盐)药剂和2种巯基捕收剂稳定化处理后,铬渣中的各主要物相组成并无明显的改变。