Job hunters also regularly flub by submitting their resumes to multiple recruiters and hiring managers at a single firm. 'What they're doing is a huge turn off because it sucks up a lot of time for people,' says Ms. McCreary. 求职者往往还会经常地将简历发送至同一家公司的多个招聘经理,效果也很糟糕。麦克里女士说,这样做只会令人们讨厌,原因是它使人们进行重复劳动。
Your work is especially "quiet", you have achieved to keep away from the blatancy and flub dub. 您的作品特别的“静”,您做到了没有喧闹或者哗众取宠。
I didn't want to be the one who dropped the ball, but I knew that someone would flub up. 我不想把事情弄砸,但我知道肯定有人会把事情搞糟。
He had been so conditioned to put that ball through the hoop that it took all of his concentration and a good deal of practice to flub even one. 他已经把投球进篮的动作练得如此协调,以至于要投错哪怕一个球都得下好大功夫才行。