The discovery was something of a fluke 这个发现多少有点机缘巧合。
By sheer fluke, one of the shipowner's employees was in the city. 非常凑巧的是,船主的一个雇员正在城里。
That shot was a sheer fluke. 那完全是靠侥幸击中的。
They developed prototypes of their ideas using the Mach operating system, and later sponsored work extending the "Fluke" research operating system. 他们使用Mach操作系统开发了他们的思想的原型,后来发起的工作扩展了“Fluke”研究操作系统。
Is this conclusion reliable, or was it a measurement fluke? 这个结论可靠吗?还是由于度量的误差造成的假像?
Dr. Baxter's groggy, wee-hour epiphany wasn't a fluke. 巴克斯特医生在凌晨疲惫之时的顿悟并非侥幸。
We are here by a fluke and are going to end up as no more than dust and ashes. 我们在这里只是个意外,我们只能像尘土一样完结。
At the same time, we are always at the two extremes, or worry about the outcome, do not believe in their own achievements, believe that all what has been achieved, but this is a momentary fluke; 同时、我们又总是处于两个极端,要么患得患失,不相信自己的成绩,认为种种已经取得的成绩不过是一时侥幸;
Such a kernel contains architectural components prototyped in the Fluke operating system. 这种内核包含建筑构件原型在福禄克操作系统。
O-ne bad round's a fluke. 只坏一个算是意外。
I think their last win was just a fluke. 我认为他们上次获胜只是侥幸罢了。
In this life may no longer be with, but still have a fluke. 这辈子可能再也不可能在一起,但心里还有着一丝侥幸。
Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. 你的出生不是一个错误或不幸,更不是自然界胡乱拼凑而成。
Well, let's make sure it's not a fluke. 让我确定一下这不是偶然。
This would prove his claim that the last fight was a fluke. 他所说的上回比赛只是侥幸而已。
And PetroChina is no fluke. 中石油的成功并非侥幸。
His triumph was no fluke. The presidency did not fall into Mr Obama's lap. 奥巴马并非侥幸获胜,总统宝座并不是从天上掉在他面前的。
Keep in mind that having problems with real estate would be a fluke, due only to this eclipse. 请记住,有与房地产的问题将是一个侥幸,因为只有到这次月食。
Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all. 他考试及格实在是侥幸,因为他根本没下过功夫。
The police have stumbled on this man by a fluke. 警方是碰巧撞上了这个人的。
For example, in the stock market, Alligator Principle is: when you find yourself deviating from the market direction, you must immediately stop loss, without any delay by any fluke. 譬如在股市中,鳄鱼法则就是:当你发现自己的交易背离了市场的方向,必须立即止损,不得有任何延误,不得存有任何侥幸。
They tell themselves it is to prove it was not a fluke, to prove they can do it alone, without a particular partner or mentor. 他们告诉自己这是为了证明他们的成功不是出于侥幸,没有某个合作伙伴或导师的帮助,他们也可以独自做到。
Director Chris Weitz proves that The Golden Compass was no fluke: He really is a non-master of action. 《新月》的导演克里斯·韦兹证明了《金色罗盘》的败笔并非偶然:他确实搞不定动作片。
She is not usually good at table tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke. 她平时乒乓球打得并不好,那取胜的一击抽球不过是侥幸而已。
They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways. 他们就没把它当回事儿,接着开心地谈别的去了。
It's a fluke in the schedule. 这只是日程表上的一个意外。
When things go right, the optimist takes credit while the pessimist sees success as a fluke. 当一切顺利时,乐观主义者居功自傲而悲观主义者只把成功视为侥幸。
It was a complete fluke that we just happened to be in the same place at the same time. 那完全是巧合,我们碰巧在同一时间呆在同一地方。
And like all Fluke tools, it's rugged, reliable and tough as nails. 像所有的福禄克工具,它的坚固,可靠和强硬的钉子。