In this paper, some effects of the maturation on the fluorescences of alginites and sporinites are studied with both artificial simulation and natural evolution samples. 采用人工模拟热演化和地质热演化两个系列样品,研究了成熟作用对孢子体、藻类体等显微组分荧光性的影响。
In this paper, a Monte Carlo simulation method for calculating intensities of characteristic x-rays, including primary x-rays and secondary fluorescences, of elements in a multicomponent film excited by incident electrons is presented. 作者提出了入射电子在多元组份薄膜中所激发出的薄膜中各种元素的包括初次X射线和二次荧光在内的特征X射线强度的蒙特卡罗模拟计算方法。
This paper mainly focus on the the fluorescences and morphology of QDs which are resulted from the synthesis process. 本文主要关注于量子点制备过程中制备方法对产物发光性质和形貌的影响。