The chemical Luminol is used at crime scenes because it fluoresces in the presence of blood. 化学物质鲁米诺应用在犯罪现场中,因为它在血液中发荧光。
Roger Y.Tsien contributed to our general understanding of how GFP fluoresces. 罗杰元钱捐助给我们的一般理解绿色荧光蛋白荧光。
It is invisible in ordinary light but fluoresces strong yellow under black light illumination. 它是无形的普通轻,但强大的黄色荧光下的黑色照明。
Green fluorescent protein ( GFP) a protein from the jelly fish Aequoria Victoria which fluoresces visibly in living cells stimulated by light of appropriate wavelength. 绿色荧光蛋白:是一种水母的蛋白,在适当波长光的激发下,该蛋白在活细胞中能够发出可见的荧光。
When the worm is prodded, stretching the structural proteins in muscle fibers, the linking spring is stretched, and the worm fluoresces in a different color. 蠕虫受刺激时,肌纤维结构蛋白被拉伸,其连接弹簧也被拉伸,蠕虫的荧光颜色发生改变。