Small dun-colored North American flycatcher. 北美洲暗褐色的小霸鹟。
The flycatcher has no pollution to the environment or harm to the human health; meanwhile, the fly catching effect is good. 其对环境无污染,对人体健康无伤害,以及对苍蝇诱捕效果好等特点。
Common European woodland flycatcher with grayish-brown plumage. 欧洲森林地带常见的捕蝇鸟,羽毛灰褐色。
Tropical American flycatcher found as far north as southern Texas and Arizona; adult male has bright scarlet and black plumage. 美洲热带霸鹟,产于往北到南得克萨斯和亚利桑那的地区;雄性成鸟的羽毛呈明亮的鲜红色或黑色。