Don't act like an old fogey, but don't be misguided by young people, either. 不要像个老古董一样,也不要被年轻人的思想左右。
SAN FRANCISCO& Signs you're an old fogey: You still watch movies on a VCR, listen to vinyl records and shoot photos on film. 旧金山&如果你符合以下条件的话,就标志着你已经是老古董啦:还继续用VCR看电影,还继续用磁带听音乐,还继续用胶卷来照相。
Bless him, he also made it possible to use natural scrolling on the trackpad while simultaneously allowing an old fogey to scroll on a mouse. 多亏了他,人们可以在触控板上使用自然滚动的同时,还允许一个老顽固使用滚轮鼠标。
Come to the disco and stop being such an old fogey! 来参加迪斯科舞会吧!别再当老顽固了!
You think me an old fogey and an old tory, his thoughtful voice said. 你认为我是个老古板,老保守党,他那若有所思的嗓音说。