He is an exceptional footballer — an artist. 他是一名出色的足球运动员,一个足球高手。
I had natural ability as a footballer. 我天生就是当足球运动员的料。
After leaving school, he became a professional footballer 走出校门后,他成了一名职业足球运动员。
He turned up at the fancy dress party as a footballer. 他扮成足球运动员出现在化装舞会上。
I'm nearly 31 and that's getting on a bit for a footballer. 我快31了,作为足球运动员也算是高龄了。
The young footballer collapsed in a heap after a heavy tackle. 年青的足球队员完成激烈的阻截后瘫倒在地动弹不得。
He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer. 他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。
This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a professional footballer 这是我当职业足球运动员以来受伤来得最不是时候的一次。
As a footballer, Le Saux's ability was beyond question 作为一名足球运动员,勒索克斯的能力不容置疑。
He admitted that he still feels unfulfilled as a footballer. 他承认对自己作为足球运动员的表现还是不满意。
Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground. 运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。
To do him justice, he is a good footballer. 说句公道话,他的足球踢得很好。
He's a slow runner which is a disadvantage for a footballer. 他跑得不快,踢足球吃亏。
The famous footballer said that the secret of his success was the time he spent in his youth practicing, just kicking away at a ball for hours on end, in an empty field with a few friends. 这位著名球星说,他的成功秘诀就在于年轻时花时间练球。那时,他总是和几个朋友在一个空场上踢,一踢就是几个小时。
The footballer made a professional foul. 那位足球运动员故意犯规。
I love football I mean if I wasn't a singer I would like to be a footballer. 我非常喜欢足球,如果我不唱歌的话,我想成为一个足球运动员。
The accident just about finished him as a footballer. 那次事故几乎结束了他足球运动员的生涯。
Consequently he ended the career of England's most famous footballer. 因此他结束了全英格兰最有名球员的国家队生涯。
Do you think she killed the footballer? 你认为她杀了那个足球运动员?
How would you describe yourself to United fans as a person and a footballer? 你怎样想球迷们描述一个作为球员和人的自己呢?
It seems to me that you are a very outstanding footballer. 在我的心中你是一个非常出色的球员。
No, I wanted to become a professional footballer and FC Bayern offered me that chance? 不,我想成为一名职业足球运动员,而拜仁为我提供了这个机会。
No one can question how fine a footballer Cannavaro is. 没人可以怀疑卡纳瓦罗是个好球员。
He had a great game and is a great footballer. 他打了一场伟大的比赛,也是个伟大的球员。
He's growing into a fantastic footballer against some of the main men. 他成长为一个出色球员对一些主要的男子。
He is not only a good footballer, he is a great person. 他不只是一个好球员,他还是一个很好的人。
As a footballer you have always got to stay professional. 作为一个足球运动员,你总要保持专业水准。
Peter is a good footballer, but he is a lone wolf. 彼得是个好足球队员,但他是个不与人合作的人。
The Italian footballer Fabio Cannavaro has proved this view wrong. 意大利国脚法比奥卡纳瓦罗已经证明了这种观点错了。
Most of my Spanish team-mates have all the trophies and this is the ambition as a footballer. 我的西班牙队队友们大都拥有所有的奖杯,这是作为球员的追求。