I can still feel myself standing on that stage, blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly. 我至今还记得自己涨红着脸站在那个舞台上,越过脚灯向下看见老爸笑嘻嘻地使劲鼓掌的情景。
My sister went off to find the footlights. 我妹妹(离开)去追求演艺业了。
He now shot down to the footlights. 现在他朝脚灯直冲过来。
She likes to bear up with her neighbours in appearances. The tender love scenes Behind the footlights made Emma Breathless with envy. 她爱撑场面,不愿居于邻居们之后。戏台上那些情意绵绵的爱情场面使爱玛为之神往。
She's always dreaming of the footlights. 她老是梦想当演员。
Her manners smell of the footlights. 她的举止带有职业演员的味道。
With a merry wink, he smiled at him, and leaned with his foot against the footlights. 他愉快地向他丢个眼色,微微一笑,他把一只脚搭在戏台前沿的栏杆上。
He was a member of the Footlights and the president of the Marlowe Society. 他是一个成员脚灯和主席马洛社会。
He was banned after he smashed up the footlights. 自从上次他撞坏了脚灯,他就被禁演了。
Blushing and gazing over the footlights to see my father's big smile as he applauded loudly. 满脸通红,透过舞台脚灯看到父亲使劲鼓掌和开怀大笑。