脚注 A footnote is a note at the bottom of a page in a book which provides more detailed information about something that is mentioned on that page.
N-COUNT 补充;补充的信息 If you refer to what you are saying as a footnote, you mean that you are adding some information that is related to what has just been mentioned.
As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than justified. 我补充一句,他有时表现得过分逞强。
N-COUNT 无关紧要的事;次要事件 If you describe an event as a footnote, you mean that it is fairly unimportant although it will probably be remembered.
I'm afraid that his name will now become a footnote in history. 恐怕他的名字现在会成为历史的注脚。
Page Mode shows headers, footers, footnotes and page numbers. 页面模式可以显示页眉、页脚、脚注和页码。
We have omitted footnotes which we judged inessential to the text. 我们略掉了我们认为对正文不甚紧要的脚注。
His liking for footnotes might have suited him to be an historian. 他喜欢考据,当个历史学家也挺合适。
This takes e-reader footnotes to another level by pulling, aggregating and displaying references in a book notable items, characters/ people and phrases in one screen. 通过在一个完整的屏幕上完成诸如项目、人物和短语等参考资料的拉出、集合以及显示,这项功能将使电子书阅读器的注解应用提升到更高层次。
You can do so through footnotes, a bibliography, or some other kind of scholarly device. 你可以透过附注、参考书目或其他学术性工具方式交待。
It helps to explain, also, why my wife left in the text the many references to Chinese classics which Fei put there and introduced in the footnotes some explanations of some of these references. 这也有助于解释为什么我夫人在正文中保留了费先生引用的众多中国古典文献,并在脚注中对其中一部分加以解释说明。
This is the last footnote I'll be calling your attention to this semester, and it's, like all footnotes, perhaps the most telling thing in the essay. 这是本学期,最后一个我让你们注意的脚注,像所有脚注一样,或许它是这篇论文中最生动的。
We have made a few verbal changes in the editor's notes and the footnotes to the three instalments of the material. 我们对三篇材料的按语和注文,作了少数文字上的修改。
Comments, endnotes and footnotes can only be added to the main story. 批注、尾注和脚注只能添至文档的主体部分。
That's the introduction to the footnotes. 这是对脚注的介绍。
Creates a main frame with footnotes underneath it. Hyperlinks in the main frame change the footnotes. 创建一个主要框架,再在其下方创建脚注。脚注的内容将随着主要框架上的超链接的改变而改变。
You are encouraged to do further research, and any information you receive from outside sources should be fully referenced with footnotes and bibliography. 我们鼓励你做进一步研究,从外界资源中获得的任何信息应当全部标示注脚和书目。
We also use footnotes for definitions of elementary terms that an experienced programmer is unlikely to need. 我们同样使用脚注来定义基本术语,有经验的程序员可能不需要这些定义。
Footnotes should be typed single spaced at the bottom of the appropriate page and separated from the text by a3-inch line starting from the left margin with one space above and below it. 脚注应键入单一间距在底部的适当的页数和分开的案文的一个3英寸线从左侧开始保证金与以上及以下这一空间。
Features specific to research papers, business plans, or other longer documents including page numbering, footnotes, endnotes, and annotations. 专门用于调研报告、商务计划或其他较长文档的功能,包括页码编排、脚注、尾注和批注。
They are not liabilities, but, if material, they are disclosed in footnotes to the financial statements. 它们不是企业的负债,但如果金额较大,它们应在财务报表的附注中揭示。
You cannot paste form fields into comments, headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, or text boxes. 不可从域中粘贴到批注、页眉、页脚、脚注、尾注或文本框中。
Footnotes illuminated the difficult passage of the text. 脚注解释了课文中难解的段落。
Oh, he dreams footnotes, and they run away with all his brains. 嘿,他做梦也在想他的脚注,它们把他的头脑搞得乌烟瘴气。
Footnotes or endnotes must start at 1 if numbering is not continuous. 如果编号不连续,则脚注或尾注必须从1开始。
Pagination: The numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book. There are no sections in comments, headers, footers, footnotes or endnotes. 编页码:在拼版后的书页加上顺序页码的情况。批注、页眉、页脚、脚注或尾注中没有节。
All footnotes compared to this. 与这相比简直是小巫见大巫。
Footnotes: notes explanatory to the main text, set in smaller type at the bottom of the page. 脚注:解释内文的注解;用较细字体排于书页下端。
Such references should usually be provided in footnotes. 参考书目常于脚注中标注。
Another point to remember is to avoid placing too much information in annexes and footnotes; only a few readers will consult these. 另外一点是记住,避免在附件和脚注中放置过多信息。没有几个读者会看这些内容。
Footnotes have been appended to the document. 这份文件附加了脚注。
Use footnotes, not endnotes. 使用脚注,而不是尾注。
My footnotes friends leaded me to you and I suppose we can do good business in the future. 我的脚注朋友将我引荐给你,我希望我们将来在生意上能有好的合作。
The market value of the investment,$ 2, is disclosed in footnotes to the financial statements. 投资的市价(2美元)在财务报表的注释中列示。