N-VAR 抵押品赎回权的取消 Foreclosure is when someone who has lent money to a person or organization so that they can buy property takes possession of the property because the money has not been repaid.
If homeowners can't keep up the payments, they face foreclosure... 业主如果未能按时交房贷,就会面临丧失抵押品赎回权的危险。
If interest rates go up, won't foreclosures rise? 如果利率上调,抵押品赎回权取消的情况也会增多吗?
If interest rates go up, won't foreclosures rise? 如果利率上调,抵押品赎回权取消的情况也会增多吗?
The result has been a tidal wave of foreclosures that have incurred massive losses on financial institutions and some insurance firms. 其结果引发了许许多多人丧失了房屋赎回权,让金融机构和一些保险公司蒙上巨大损失。
We have got to start helping homeowners, in a serious way, to prevent foreclosures. 我们必须开始以十分严肃的方式来帮助房主,防止他们丧失房屋赎回权。
A bill designed to help avert some foreclosures has been under discussion by senators this week. 参议院这个星期已经开始讨论一个旨在帮助避免一些房屋被收回的法案。
Foreclosures tend to depress housing values for entire neighborhoods, and lower assessed values mean lower tax receipts. 丧失住房赎回权一般会降低整个地区的房屋价值,而房屋评估价值降低就意味着房产税减少。
Under his financial policies, banks seeking government assistance would be forced to lend and to halt foreclosures. 根据奥巴马的金融政策,寻求政府救助的银行将被迫放贷,并停止进行止赎。
Obama would also suspend taxes on unemployment benefits and would place a90-day moratorium on home foreclosures. 奥巴马也将暂停对失业福利征税,并对由于付不出分期贷款而导致房屋被拍卖的家庭实行为期90天的宽限。
As foreclosures increase, they drag the average price of homes in a neighborhood down. 随着止赎住房增加,它们会拖累同一街区的平均房价走低。
The recession left a vast legacy of foreclosures, personal and business bankruptcies, debt-collection and credit-card disputes. 经济衰退造成了大量的抵押权赎回案、个人和企业破产案,追债和信用卡纠纷。
Helping the unemployed meet house payments reduces foreclosures, addressing one of the underlying causes of the crisis. 帮助失业者交上房贷,能减少房屋断供而被拍卖的情形,从而解决造成这场危机的根本性原因之一。
Potential house buyers who foresee continued foreclosures are reluctant to buy now because they anticipate future price declines. 由于预期房价会进一步下跌,预见到因为无力偿付按揭而失去住宅的潜在购房者现在不愿出手购买。
The record level of defaults and foreclosures continues to add to the stock of unsold homes. 创纪录的贷款违约及丧失赎质权案件进一步增加了未售房屋存量。
The housing market remains under pressure from record rates of home foreclosures and high unemployment. 创纪录水平的银行收回房产和高失业率,仍给住宅市场带来压力。
A financial crisis and a savage recession were in full swing, and house foreclosures were soaring. 金融危机并伴有严重的衰退现象蔓延开来,房屋止赎数量飙升。
A wave of foreclosures is damping consumer spending and spreading anger. 一股丧失抵押品赎回权的浪潮正在使消费者减少消费并扩散愤怒情绪。
Large numbers of Americans have lost their homes to bank foreclosures or are in danger of doing so. 大批美国人因为银行收回抵押房产而失去了自己的居所,或正面临这种危险。
About half of all foreclosures overall return to the banks, says RealtyTrac, which tracks foreclosure filings. 跟踪丧失抵押品赎回权案例的realtytrac表示,在所有被收回的房产中,有大约一半重归银行所有。
This reduces demand for houses, lowering prices and driving increases in foreclosures, leading to further tightening of credit standards and a vicious growth-destroying cycle. 这减少了房屋需求,压低了房价,并推高了丧失房屋赎回权的数量,从而导致信贷标准进一步收紧,市场陷入破坏增长的恶性循环。
Yet perhaps attention should be directed to forced sales through foreclosures because these swamp all other factors. 不过,或许我们应该把注意力转向由于丧失赎回权而被迫出售房屋的现象,因为这盖过了其它所有因素。
The pawns are getting killed by rising foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market, leaving the better credits exposed. 次级抵押贷款市场上越来越多抵押品赎回权的丧失,让这些小卒纷纷丧生,留下质量更好的信贷。
This has blunted a key channel of monetary policy and led to large numbers of foreclosures. 这削弱了货币政策的一条关键渠道,导致了大量的止赎事件。
Foreclosures were up by a fifth in the second quarter versus last year and if anything are accelerating. 今年第二季度,丧失住房抵押品赎回权的案例同比增加了五分之一,而且速度可能还在加快。
The painful consequences of this instability are evident in higher bankruptcy rates and the rising numbers of home foreclosures. 短期收入波动带来的痛苦后果,从更高的破产率以及不断上升的房屋回赎取的取消可见一斑。
Investors and first-time buyers, the traditional harbingers of a housing rebound, are out in force here, competing for bargain-price foreclosures. 对投资者和初次购买者来说,传统的房屋反弹预兆已经失效,在交易价中争夺丧失抵押赎回权。
Colorado combines a high rate of foreclosures with a boost from the commodities boom. 科罗拉多州丧失抵押品赎回权比例较高,但也受到了大宗商品繁荣的推动。
By contrast, foreclosures started on borrowers with subprime adjustable-rate mortgages fell dramatically in the second quarter. 相比之下,第二季度次级浮息抵押贷款的止赎率大幅下降。
But foreclosures and defaults could yet push house prices lower. 但丧失抵押品赎回权和债务违约仍可能推动房价走低。
The collapse in house prices, rising defaults and foreclosures will affect millions of voters. 住宅价格崩盘,违约率不断上升,丧失抵押品赎回权的情况日益增多,将影响到成百上千万的选民。