Unable to pass on the higher crude cost to customers on forecourts, refiners suffer losses. 当无法将上升的原油成本转嫁给成品油消费者时,炼油企业就会亏损。
A wave of great small cars is about to hit the forecourts of American dealers& none better than the European-developed cars that Ford will be offering. 一大批优质的小型车将摆上美国汽车经销商的前坪。相比欧洲同行,福特公司的产品并不占优。
When the distributors'stocks have been exhausted, you will only be able to use a refillable vessel much like the gas available from petrol station forecourts. 当分销商库存已经没有的时候,你只能使用一个可再装瓶子,它看上去很像汽车加油站工作区的那些气罐。
While some kept plants working through past downturns, most are now reluctant to push unwanted vehicles on to dealership forecourts. 尽管在以往的低迷时期,有些汽车制造商继续维持工厂的运转,但目前大多数制造商不愿把没人要的汽车卖给经销商。
Some pretty blunt instruments later tax cuts and subsidies for smaller vehicles and autos are flying off the forecourts. 采取了一些相当直接的措施(对小排量汽车下调购置税并提供补贴)后,汽车销量急速上升。