
英 [ˈfɔːɡraʊndz] 美 [ˈfɔːrɡraʊndz]

n.  (景物、图画等的)前景; 瞩目地位; 重要位置
v.  强调; 突出


  1. N-VAR (照片、景物等的)前景
    The foreground of a picture or scene you are looking at is the part or area of it that appears nearest to you.
    1. He is the bowler-hatted figure in the foreground of Orpen's famous painting.
  2. N-SING 受到关注;引人注目
    If something or someone is in the foreground, or comes to the foreground, they receive a lot of attention.
    1. This is another worry that has come to the foreground in recent years.
  3. VERB 强调;使突出
    To foreground certain features of a situation means to make them the most important part of a description or account.
    1. His book foregrounds three events in which police relations with the media were central.
      他的书重点讲了 3 个事件,以警察和媒体的关系为中心展开。


  1. His book foregrounds three events in which police relations with the media were central.
  2. Then, the left and right moving foregrounds are separated by comparing the reconstruction of the backgrounds information with every frame images.
  3. The play foregrounds the relationship between father and daughter.
  4. More and more countries pay great attention to HF ( high frequency) ground wave OTHR ( over the horizon radar) for its military and civil foregrounds.
  5. We are lighting the foregrounds warm, and the backgrounds cool.
  6. Therefore, the EML technology finds its broad prospect application and widespread application foregrounds in some realm such as national defence, scientific studies and aviation& spaceflight.
  7. This article reviews the principle for the synthesis of quasi-one-dimensional oxide nanomaterials by water-assisted growth, stressly introduces the applications in the synthesis of quasi-one-dimensional oxide nanomaterials, and its foregrounds are also discussed.
  8. For environmental protection and the mankind's fine foregrounds, please concentrate on together the prosperity that the green illuminates the engineering prosperous.
  9. Bridges and courtyards create a rhythm of unique spaces that become backdrops and foregrounds for dining, strolling, and shopping experiences along the canal length.
  10. The emergence of obscurity poetry gives a great blow to the idea of understanding and therefore foregrounds the problem of reading.
  11. This artistic fiat that has emptied the cages, foregrounds the invisible hands that have built these miserable spaces, these shabby simulacra of habitats& they are our hands.
  12. In this transformation, segmentation of moving foregrounds that people have intersting from video sequences is very important for second generation coding.
  13. And systematically probes into the cultivation system of undergraduate scientific research ability of American research universities, such as teaching and learning mode, curricula setting, learning style, management agency and training system. Some existing problems and development foregrounds are pointed out.
  14. Expounds development foregrounds by comparing technique capability and project costs of steel fibrin concrete with common concrete.
  15. The detail is clarified as follows: 1. First of all, The article introduce the produce and development of the chaotic theory, then meaning and the development foregrounds of study.
  16. Developmental foregrounds of intelligent control
  17. The genus of Cholesterol-degrading microorganism, degraded mechanisms and applied effects in food were resumed in this text. The applied foregrounds and study directions for Cholesterol-Degrading of food using the microorganisms were analyzed and provided reference basis for the development of low-cholesterol food.
  18. Its body now the new way of thinking of the art education reform emerged the farsighted target and foregrounds of the art education development.
  19. By exploring such power relations between male and female intellectuals, Bellow's novels foregrounds the intellectual qualities and the career routes of women characters.
  20. Processing video on high performance parallel computers has good potential and wide foregrounds.
  21. New technologies researched and applied at present in inlet system, fuel supplying system, new concept of combustion, treatment technology after exhausting emissions and substitute fuel are briefly introduced and their foregrounds are analyzed in this paper.
  22. This text introduced the mainly software systems and characteristics of CAD/ CAM, introduced CNC characteristics and its development foregrounds as well, expatiated the CAD/ CAM/ CNC software systems organism contacts.
  23. This text discussed the core, meaning that the clover industry turn, and the development path and the development foregrounds that industry turn, clarified the clover industry to turn the importance to develop western region, have the certain apocalypse to the current agriculture herding industry development.
  24. At the end of this thesis, we discussed the application foregrounds of this new system with the development of the 3G mobile communication technology.
  25. The French Lieutenant's Woman foregrounds the indeterminate, the polyphonic, and undecidable functions of the author.
  26. With the 3G's coming age, application of wireless streaming will find huge potential market foregrounds. The research of wireless streaming technology has drawn tremendous attention from both academia and industry.
  27. So this project has very nice applying foregrounds and can change completely the present structure of ship communication system.
  28. We propose the backgrounds, research results, application foregrounds and some possible research directions for inverse linear programming problem, inverse shortest path problem, inverse minimum cost flow problem and network capacity expansion problem.
  29. Linguistic and cultural differences are worked out through a contrastive analysis of Chinese tourist texts and their parallel texts, which better foregrounds the features and conventions of English tourist texts.
  30. Wireless Sensor Network has wide applications including in the foregrounds of military, environment, medical treatment, space exploring and various business.