In the heartwarming video, the twins are seen sleeping in their mother's protective embrace when one begins to stir and stretch its forelegs. 在这段温暖人心的视频里,双胞胎宝宝在妈妈的怀抱里睡着,其中一只宝宝则开始动了动,并伸直了它的前腿。
Dewclaws on forelegs maybe removed. 前腿伪趾可去除。
"Tortoises have a high, domed shell, heavy elephant-like hind legs, and hard-scaled forelegs." large edible marine crustaceans having large pincers on the first pair of legs. 陆龟的背甲高而呈圆盖形;后肢粗大,形如象腿;前肢覆以硬鳞。第一对腿上有大钳子的大型可食用海生甲壳动物。
Crook& ( 1) the inward turn of the forelegs on short-legged breeds as in the Basset Hound. Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in another song@ Utopia@. 前腿向内弯曲,通常发生在一些短腿的犬种如巴塞特猎犬。莫里塞特还创造性地、以极强的表现力演唱了另一首歌曲Utopia。
At the first dig last summer, the scientists and nine students recovered both the right and left forelegs along with a wrist bone. 去年夏天,考古学家们和9名考古专业的学生对这具猛犸象化石进行了首次挖掘。他们发现了这只猛犸象的左右前肢化石和一块腕骨化石。
Forelegs are strong and straight with long, well muscled forearms. 前肢强壮、直且长,前臂肌肉非常发达。
Forelegs are well covered with abundant curls or waves. 前肢上覆盖着丰富的卷毛或波浪状的毛发。
When viewed from the front the forelegs, which are in line with the width of the body, move forward in an effortless manner, but never cross. 从正面观察,前肢的运动直线与身体宽度相当,以轻松的姿势向前迈进,但决不交叉。
Their forelegs had turned into the flippers that today's whales use for steering; 它们的前腿变成鳍状肢,今天的鲸鱼便是用它来掌握方向的;
Split the hide from the dew claws to the Original cut and skin out the forelegs. 从蹄到这个关节将皮切开,并切除掉它。
Dogfishes having a spine in each dorsal fin. It strikes a bug's back with is forelegs and feelers. 背鳍上各有一刺的角鲨鱼。它(蚁)前腿和触角敲打臭虫的背部。
Any member of two distinct groups of rodents that are able to make gliding leaps by means of parachute-like membranes connecting their forelegs and hind legs on each side. 两类远缘的啮齿类动物的统称。它们用身体两侧连接前后肢的降落伞似的皮膜作滑翔跳跃。
He passed his hand down the beast's forelegs and stroked its sleek coat. 他把手伸过马的前腿,抚摩它柔滑的皮毛。
It strikes a bug's back with is forelegs and feelers. 它(蚂蚁)用前腿和触角敲打臭虫的背部。
It grasps its victim in its forelegs and pierce it with its rostrum. 它用前腿抓住牺牲品,把喙刺入对方身体。
Well laid back shoulders, together with proper angulation at the upper arm, set the forelegs nicely under the body. 肩角度适中,平贴于上肢上方,前肢的位置恰好位于身体下面。
Nocturnal rodent of Asia having furry folds of skin between forelegs and hind legs enabling it to move by gliding leaps. 亚洲夜间活动的啮齿动物,前腿和后腿间有能用于滑跳的带毛的皱皮。
A light leap by a horse in which both hind legs leave the ground before the forelegs come down. 一个轻的跳跃其中两只前腿落下以前两只后腿离开地面。
Stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacing. 和武器站在一起或者抬高前肢,好像恐吓。
Medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast. 中型到大型得蝴蝶,分布广泛,特征是有色彩鲜亮的翅膀,几乎退化的无作用的前腿折放在胸前。
On the head, front of the forelegs, and below the hock joints on the front of the hind legs, the hair is short and fine. 在头部、前肢前面、飞节下面和后肢前面,毛发短而细腻。
GAIT/ MOVEMENT: Free and active, neither loose nor tied. Forelegs move well forward, without too much lift, in unison with thrusting action of hindlegs. 步态/态:自如活泼,不显松散和拘束。前腿自然向前运动,抬起不太高,与后腿动作协调。
The Terrier's legs should be carried straight forward while traveling, the forelegs hanging perpendicular and swinging parallel with the sides, like the pendulum of a clock. 该梗犬在行进中要求腿部笔直向前,前腿垂直悬起,如同钟摆般向身体两侧平行摆动。
The hind legs of an animal are usually longer than the forelegs. 动物的后腿通常是比前腿长。
Arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length. 新几内亚和澳大利亚树栖沙袋鼠,前腿和后腿长度相近。
On the forelegs from the carpus, or a little above, downward to the toes; 前肢从腕骨或略高一些的地方,到足爪。
The forelegs dead straight with plenty of bone. 前肢绝对笔直,且骨量充足。
As the chariot was rolling to it, the insect did not evade, but raised its forelegs towards the rolling wheels fearlessly. 当马车向它滚滚驶来的时候,这只虫子不但不躲,反而举起前腿,毫不胆怯地向车轮迎过来。
The forelegs are straight with elbows close. 前肢直,肘部贴近身躯。
A Numerical Study of the Dynamic Response in the Callus of Fractured Bones Included in Rabbit's Forelegs 兔前肢断骨骨痂处动态响应的数值研究