The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards. 对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。
'That's the old foresters' garden, 'she said in reverential tones. “那是老护林人的花园,”她用充满敬意的语气说。
All were selected by borough foresters as historical for having existed for at least a century-either as fixtures of the urban landscape or as having special significance to local communities. 由各区林务员挑选出的所有古树的树龄至少为100年。这些古树有的是城市景点,有的则对当地有特殊意义。
Foresters spend their time communing with nature instead of communicating with crowds, making it the perfect job for an outdoorsy introvert. 林务员的时间不是花在与人的交流上,而是花在与自然的交流上,所以对喜欢户外的内向者来说是个理想的职业。
Thus, the overall risk of forest activities would lie reduced, and the possibility of small long-term loans to foresters would he raised. 降低营林活动整体风险,提高林农小额长期贷款的可能性,推动林权改革的深入及林业产业的发展。
Local foresters worry about the possibility of serious disease or insect outbreaks which might result from such monoculture. 当地的林学家们很烦恼,因为这样单一栽植的结果,可能发生严重的病虫害。
International Union of Societies of Foresters 国际林务员协会联合会
In doing their jobs, they often collaborate with architects, surveyors, engineers, environmental scientists, foresters, and other professionals. 在做他们的工作,他们经常与建筑师,测量师,工程师,环境科学家,林农和其他专业人士。
The details of pine shoot development have recently become of more importance to foresters. 松树枝梢发育的细节近来变得对林学家们更为重要了。
What would be the additional cost in the future, not only to farmers but also to foresters, land managers and gardeners, of beating back supercharged weeds? 今后,生命力过于旺盛的野草还会给不仅农民,还有种树人、土地管理者和园林工人们造成多少更大的麻烦呢?
Farmers on the Willingness for the National Ecological Purchase and their Impact Factors Analysis& Based on Empirical Research of Foresters in Nanping City of Fujian 林农对国家生态购买的意愿及其影响因素分析&基于福建省南平市林农调查的实证研究
Relatively few foresters or tree breeders consider the presence of edaphic ecotypes. 考虑到存在土壤生态型的林学家或树木育种家相当少。
Protect forest resources, safeguard foresters 'interests, and keep the stability of forest zone, is the essence and long-term task of forest policy management. 保护好森林资源、维护好林农利益、保持林区稳定才是林政管理的本质内容和长期任务。
Foresters are main body of south collective forestry economy and their quality will have the direct influences on the mountain and forestry development, stability and forestry ecological province development. 林农是南方集体林区经营的主体,其素质高低直接影响山区、林区的发展、稳定和林业生态省的建设。
This paper introduces some information about Japanese forestry, including Japanese forestry resources, related policies and rules, management systems, forestry equipment and situation of the foresters. 介绍了日本的森林资源现状,有关的林业政策法规,森林的经营管理体制,以及从事林业的人员状况和机械设备情况等;
Forest home is thus helpful to promote the leisure forestry industrial structure adjustment and restructuring of rural employment. What is more, it is also a need for the vast number of foresters to shake off poverty and set out on the road to prosperity. 因而森林人家休闲游有利于推进林业产业结构调整和农村就业结构调整,是广大林农致富的需要。
First, by comparing the two existing financial lending channels, to analyze what kind of lending in rural financial markets occupy a dominant position, as well as foresters borrowing needs can be met. 首先通过比较这两种现存的金融借贷渠道,分析哪一种借贷在农村金融市场中占据主导地位,以及林农的借贷需求是否能得到满足。
Weather forestry information technology service can be widely accepted and used by foresters is the key point of measuring informationization utility. 林业信息技术服务能否被目标用户所广泛接受和使用是衡量林业信息化建设是否发挥成效的重要指标。
And compared to foreign companies of forest, foresters has a small amount of money, foresters in the transfer of the right to competitive bidding of forest makes at a disadvantage, the interests can not be reflect. 与外来林商相比,林农的资金量小分散,使得林农在林权流转的招投标竞争中处于劣势,利益得不到体现。
Finally, the foresters involved in a number of problems in the process of cooperation to put forward appropriate policy recommendations. 最后针对林农参与合作过程中存在的一些问题寻找其原因,并提出相应的政策建议。
Some people use the power of the hands of irregular flow of resources, drilling in other ways the policy loopholes, against the interests of foresters have occurred from time. 有些人利用手中掌握的权力资源进行违规的林权流转、以其他的方式钻政策空子、侵害林农利益等现象时有发生。
This problem has a serious impact on the construction of new rural that forest areas, forestry and foresters only obtained little directly benefited. So countries have carried out a thorough reform about the rights of collective forestry, designed to solve it. 三林问题严重影响着新农村建设的发展,为此国家进行了全面深入的集体林权制度改革,旨在解决林区、林业、林农发展问题。
The researches of the interviewees include County Forestry Department workers, station of basic level forestry staff, village cadre, and ordinary foresters. 本次调研的访谈对象包括县林业部门工作者、基层林业站的工作人员、村干部、普通林农。
Forest property rights are unstable, ownership often changes and foresters lack of a sense of security and stability. 林业产权不稳定、权属多变,林农缺乏安全感和稳定感。
Foresters are an important carrier of the transfer of the rights to use forests and lands. 农户是林地使用权的流转的重要载体。
Third, the transfer of rights of foresters in the forest at a disadvantage in the interests is not reflect. 第三,在林权流转中林农处于弱势利益得不到体现。
Secondly, we must reform the current system of forest harvesting and taxation, to solve the autonomy of forest logging, reduce the tax burden on foresters, for creating a favorable environment for transfer of forest right assignment. 其次,要改革现行的森林采伐和税费制度,解决林木采伐自主权、减轻林农税费负担,为林权流转创造宽松环境。
Stabilize and improve the transfer system of use of forest ownership right, or to strengthen the management of forest property rights, and actively build a trading system of forestry equity market as well as improve the property rights of awareness of foresters through various channels. 稳定和完善林权使用权流转制度,加强林业产权管理,积极构建林业产权市场交易体系,通过各种途径,不断提高林农的产权意识。
However, with the deepening of reform, facing from traditional forestry to modern forestry and from the natural process of transformation to a market economy, foresters must encounter a number of new problems which are previously not encountered by our own strength and difficult to resolve. 但随着改革的深入,林农在从传统林业向现代林业、从自然经济向市场经济转化过程中,必然遇到一些从前没有遇到且靠自身力量难以解决的新问题。
The thinking of foresters is not unified, lacking of consciousness and initiative of reform and so on. 思想认识不统一,缺乏改革的自觉性、主动性等。