Since they had not taken any part in political affairs for fifty-one years under the Japanese, the Formosans did not know quite how to combat the skilled Chinese politicians. 台湾人在日本统治的五十一年期间不得参与政务,所以他们不太知道怎样同精通权术的中国政客进行斗争。
Having seized Japanese property, Chiang's officials quickly turned their eyes on the wealth of the Formosans. 把日本人的财产收拾完后,蒋的官员们很快又打起台湾人财产的主意来了。
The Formosans tried to reform Chiang's officials by pleading with them. 台湾人开始时用好言规劝蒋的官员改变作风,但是不起作用。
Along with the decline in the living conditions and the health of the Formosans, a paralell decline occurred in education and morals. 不单台湾人的生活水平和健康情况不断恶化,而且教育质量和道德风尚也日益败坏。
Whenever something went wrong, the Formosans said: "This is Chinese." 不管什么事出了毛病,台湾人就说:“中国就是这样嘛。”
These posters produced little effect on the Chinese bureaucrats, but did serve to give Formosans an idea they were fighting back. 这对中国官僚不发生什么作用,但是台湾人感到出了口气。
As if by a slow wasting poison, the Formosans themselves were corrupted to the level of their Chinese rulers. 就像吃了慢性毒药似的,台湾人自己也腐化堕落,变得同大陆来的统治者不相上下了。
The Organic Solvent Extracts Tannins in the Branches and Leaves of Liquidambar Formosans Hence and the Content is Determined 有机溶剂萃取野生枫香的鞣质及含量测定