Do you believe the scientists will be able to clone human beings in the forseeable future? 你认为在不久的将来科学家会有能力复制人类吗?
We hope that Haiti which was heavily depredated by the killer quake will be reconstructed in the forseeable future. 我们希望在大地震中受重创的海地在不久的将来可以重建。
But in the forseeable future, the movie theatre won't be the only place where people can watch realistic on-screen action. 3-1但是在不久的将来,电影院将不是唯一可以在荧幕上看到写实动作片的地方。
User interface has always been and continues to be ( and will for the forseeable future remain) downright sexy. 用户界面一直是、而且以后将继续是一个吸引人的亮点。
But all of these countries face long odds when it comes to matching western living standards in the forseeable future. 但说到是否能在可预见的未来赶上西方生活水平,这些国家的胜算都不大。
We believe there will be a robust market in China IPOs for the forseeable future. 我们认为,在可预见的未来,将出现一个强大的中国首次公开发行(IPO)市场。
Citing an "impeccable source," The Post reported that Van Gundy is leaving NBA coaching for the forseeable future. 根据可靠消息在未来可见的一段时间内,范甘迪将会远离NBA的教练职务。
The move reflects confidence that China's economic development will keep commodity prices high for the forseeable future. 此举反映出,投资者坚信,在可预见的未来,中国的经济发展将使大宗商品价格继续保持高位。
Iran and Iraq both have very large resources but are unlikely to become significant gas exporters for the forseeable future. 伊朗和伊拉克都拥有非常庞大的资源,但在可预见的未来,它们都不太可能成为重要的天然气出口国。
Moreover, a heat resistant polyester polyols with forseeable molecular weight and inherent viscosity and stable synthesis techniques were prepared through regulating the THEIC/ glycerol, OH/ COOH and triol/ diol mole ratios in original components. 通过调节组分中的THEIC/甘油、羟基/羧基及三元醇/二元醇的摩尔比例,能够稳定合成工艺,制得耐热性能好、具有预定分子量和特性粘数的聚酯多元醇齐聚物。