Hence it is plain that they achieve their end, not fortuitously, but designedly. 所以它们显然不是偶然的,而是有计划地去达到自己地目的。
As the advantageous condition appeared fortuitously in the innovative activity, the opportunity plays an important part in gaining the result of innovation. 机遇作为创新活动中偶然出现的有利条件,对创新成果的取得具有重要作用。
The biggest single problem for the regime is the oppressed, contentious Shi'ite minority, who are fortuitously located just where the largest oil deposits sit. 对政权而言最大的一个问题是被压迫的、不安于现状的什叶派少数人口,他们碰巧位于最大石油储量的位置上。
We won't do anything fortuitously in view of the final, we really want to become World champions. 为比赛考虑我们不能出任何意外,我们非常希望加冕世界冠军。
Fortuitously, the flyby also happens at the same time that Venus is at its maximum elongation from the Sun as seen from Earth. 幸运的是,这次飞越同时发生在金星位于同太阳间最大角距的位置上。
It also coincided, perhaps fortuitously for Mr Lukashenka, with an uncomfortable few weeks for Russia's Vladimir Putin. 这对于卢卡申科来说可能是巧合,但是这将给俄罗斯总统普京带来很大程度上的不适,这种负面影响可能会持续数周。