FOSS patents 'Florian Mueller, as usual, has the most detailed analysis. FOSSPatents网站的专利专家弗洛里安•穆勒照例给出了最详细的分析。
According to FOSS patents 'Florian Mueller, who had predicted this outcome, it frees up resources for both companies. 美国科技博客FOSSPatents的弗洛里安•穆勒早已预见到了和解的结果,他说(和解)使两家公司的资源都摆脱了禁锢。
Sponsor the creation of technical dictionaries and standards so that consistency is retained in all FOSS projects. 通过支持技术词典和标准的编纂,所有自由/开源软件计划都可以保持一致性。
You should know what particular FOSS license your software holds and what are that license's restrictions. 你应当搞清楚你的软件带有哪些特别的FOSS许可,以及该许可的限制是什么。
What are the liability issues involved with using free and open source software ( FOSS)? Here's a guide to copyrights, choosing a license, trademark registration, and patents. 使用自由和开源软件(FOSS)会牵涉到那些法律责任问题?这里是关于版权、许可选择、商标注册和专利的指导。
This is a listed by the registry is the process of running FOSS. 这是一个通过注册表列举正在运行进程的源码。
Now, can you tell us a little about when and how you got involved in FOSS? 现在你可以告诉我们一些关于你何时以及如何加入到自由及开源软件的事吗?
To work on FOSS, experience shows that it is best to use free/ open source tools. 经验表明对自由/开源软件的工作最好是使用自由/开源工具来进行。
This is a few Die lift probability model FOSS share with you! 这是数模中电梯概率模型源码,与大家分享!
For reasons of national interest, many Asian governments have adopted policies that encourage software alternatives, primarily foss. 出于国家利益的考虑,亚洲许多政府推行了鼓励多元的软件开发,特别是自由/开源软件的政策。
With FOSS, any person with the appropriate skills can do the work. 对于自由/开源软件,任何有足够技能的人都可以做这些工作。
The ultimate goal was to improve Thai support for FOSS from the source. 其最终目标是从源代码水平增强自由/源软件对泰国语的支持。
Tools and equipment for FOSS development and localization are less expensive than those required for proprietary localization. 自由/开源软件开发和本地化使用的软件和工具不像私有软件本地化所需要的那样昂贵。
Beyond establishing governmental purchasing policies that favour localized foss, governments have an important role in removing obstacles, providing funding and coordinating standards. 政府除了建立倾向于本地化自由/开源软件的政府采购政策,在去除障碍,提供资助和协调标准方面也要担当重要角色。
Tolearn more on FOSS attend Software Freedom Day Celebrations! 要想学习更多的FOSS,就参加软件自由日庆祝活动!
With educational and technological infrastructure and a large pool of skilled technology and language specialists, these three countries have the potential to dominate East Asian FOSS development in the next decade. 这三个国家拥有的教育和技术基础设施和大量熟练的技术和语言专家,使它们有潜力在今后十年中的东亚自由/开源软件开发中占主导地位。
Premature promotion of FOSS to uninitiated users when it is not ready would only create a bad impression. 时机不成熟时对没有发动起来的用户推广不完善的自由软件只会造成坏印象。
With little cost, governments can distribute localized FOSS to schools, businesses and other organizations. 政府几乎不花什么费用就可以把本地化的自由/开源软件发布到学校、企业和其他组织。
Recently the government adopted a FOSS policy. 最近越南政府颁布了与自由/开源软件有关的政策。
With standard terminology, computer users are less likely to encounter frustration, and with standard technological procedures and processes, FOSS code can remain comprehensible to all it professionals. 有了标准的术语,计算机用户就较不容易遇到困难,而有了标准的技术流程和过程,所有信息技术专业人员都能读懂自由/开源软件代码。
Asia is the world's battleground for FOSS localization. 亚洲是世界自由/开源软件本地化的主战场。
In countries without much technical infrastructure, localization of both commercial software and FOSS is slow. 在技术水平不高的国家,商业软件和自由/开源软件的本地化都很缓慢。
They are volunteers, providing their resources and time for free, and all are using FOSS tools for the work. 他们都是志愿者,无偿贡献他们的资源和时间,而且都在工作中使用自由/开源软件工具。
Learning about FOSS in general is a huge step for those of us raised and working in non-FOSS environments. 自由和开源学习,对我们工作在非开源软件环境的人来说是一个巨大的进步。
The Primer emphasizes that users need to know the conditions stated in their FOSS license so that they are not unwittingly violating copyright law. 该书强调,用户需要知道在他们的FOSS许可中所陈述的条件,以便他们不至于无意识地违反版权法。
Software licenses and copyrights are different in the FOSS world. FOSS世界里的软件许可和版权是不同的。
FOSS can often operate well on older computers. 自由/开源软件常常可以在旧计算机上很好地工作。
The team has not yet seen a high-profile effort to promote the use of FOSS in Thailand. 在泰国还没有高级别的部门进行工作推广自由/开源软件的使用。
With the growth of the user base, the lack of FOSS developers to serve the growing requirements and expectations is a big problem. 随着用户群的增长,缺乏自由/开源软件开发者满足不断增长的需求和愿望成了一个大问题。
With FOSS, the price is lower and the license open to all. 对于自由/开源软件,其价格较低,而且授权对所有人开放。