She had been babysitting him and his four-year-old sister. 她一直都在照看他和他4岁的妹妹。
My four-year-old squabbles with his friends 我那个4岁大的孩子常和他的小伙伴们斗嘴。
My four-year-old daughter cannot quite tell the time. 我4岁大的女儿还不大会看表。
However, my four-year-old daughter knows more about love than her 28-year-old mom. 可是,我那4岁的宝贝女儿比她28岁的妈妈更懂得爱。
The four-year-old son smiled and went back to work. 四岁的孩子笑了笑,然后继续做他的小碗。夫妻二人愣住了。
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and a four-year-old grandson. 有一位风烛残年的老人,他和儿子、儿媳还有四岁的小孙子生活在一起。
"I play hidden cat with my four-year-old son every day* it seems we must not play this from now on," said another. 另一个网民说,我每天都和四岁的儿子玩躲猫猫,看来从现在起我们不能再这么玩了。
The four-year-old boy went over to the other side of the street by himself. 那个四岁小男孩自己走到了大街的对面。
George and Barbara Bush lost their second child, four-year-old Robin Bush, to leukaemia almost 60 years ago. 在大约60年前,乔治布什和妻子芭芭拉布什的第二个孩子四岁的罗宾布什就是死于白血病。
I'm going to draw a picture of God, a four-year-old girl said to her teacher. 一个4岁的女孩对老师说:我要画一幅上帝的画像。
They also had a four-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. 他们还有一个4岁的男孩和一个3岁的女孩。
A young couple were becoming anxious about their four-year-old son, who had not yet talked. 一对年轻夫妇有个儿子,已经四岁了,还没有开口说话,他们对此深感焦虑。
I've laid your clothes out for you like you were a four-year-old. 把你的衣服都摊开,因为你喜欢四岁时的感觉。
I love music, in the four-year-old mother when I Learn to learn the piano. 我很爱好音乐,在四岁的时候妈妈就送我去学钢琴。
I have a four-year-old daughter. 我有一个四岁大的女儿。
You are 13, but he cannot quite clear his mind of your 12-year-old and even four-year-old predecessors. 你已经13岁了,但他无法完全清除自己对12岁、甚至4岁的你的记忆。
4 check out this four-year-old boy swimming with the beluga whale. 来看看这个和白鲸一起游泳的4岁男孩。
On that flight were a mother and her four-year-old son, whose name was Jeffrey. 在那次航班上,有一位妈妈和她四岁的儿子,儿子名叫杰佛瑞。
A four-year-old girl is lying in the arms of a doctor. 一个四岁女孩正靠在医生的怀里。
While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full. 在饭店吃饭的时候,我申斥我4岁的儿子,因为他满嘴食物在说话。
A four-year-old Catholic boy was playing with a four-year-old Protestant girl in a children's pool in the backyard. 一个四岁的天主教小男孩和一个四岁的新教女孩在后院的儿童泳池中玩耍。
During the period of four-year-old birthday of Yao Ming, he has got the first basketball. 在姚明的四岁生日时,他得到了第一个篮球。
He's with a four-year-old boy. 他和一个4岁大的男孩。
A four-year-old girl said to her teacher. 一个四岁的小女孩告诉她的老师。
Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children's party. 上周,我的四个岁的女儿萨莉被邀请去参加一个儿童聚会。
Four-year-old lydia, hitherto intransigently silent, suddenly started to chat to me. 四岁的莉迪亚一直固执地保持着沉默,突然开始和我聊天。
One day, they found that their four-year-old son gathered some bits of wood on the ground. 有一天,这对年轻夫妇发现四岁大的儿子在地上捡拾木头。
During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer the phone. 这时,电话铃响了,她叫四岁的女儿去接电话。
I remember that when my daughter was in nursery school, the school head told a story about a four-year-old who had a toy car he loved. 我记得,当我的女儿在幼儿园时,幼儿园院长讲了一个关于一个拥有一辆喜爱的玩具车的四岁男孩的故事。
I held my four-year-old brother's hand, feeling an adult's sense of responsibility. 我领着四岁的弟弟,体会着作为一个成年人的责任感。