The course is open to fourth-year medical students and was scheduled for a month when many travel the country for interviews to arrange their residencies, so they need the flexibility to work remotely, Dr. Azzam said. 他还表示,这门课的开设对象是大四医科学生,课时一个月;因为很多学生要在全美四处奔走,参加住院实习的面试,因此需要一定的机动性来远程参与课程。
Head, a fourth-year point guard, can be a free agent after this season. 海德,四年级后卫,这赛季以后成为自由球员。
Never since my fourth-year Latin exam at school have I done quite so badly at anything. 自从四年级拉丁文考试以来,我还没有在任何事情上如此失败过。
In my fourth-year dormitory, there was exactly one telephone, a pay phone located on the wall of a floor above mine; 在我大四的宿舍楼里,仅有一部电话机,那是一部安装在墙上的付费电话,就在我所在楼层的楼上。
This is actually our measure of success: after introducing version control in second year, we see a lot of students setting it up and using it in third-and fourth-year courses without being told to. 从下面这个例子我们可以看到这样做的成功之处:第二年学习过版本控制的学生,大部分会自动在第三年和第四年的课程中设置并使用版本控制系统。
Results The fourth-year students were scored highest in care ability among the students from all grades. The influential factors of care ability included the student himself, family, school and society. 结果不同年级中四年级护生关爱能力评分最高,护理本科生关爱能力影响因素涉及自身、家庭、学校、社会多个方面。
The course of subject-based English, which is designed for the third-and fourth-year college students, forms a main part of the ESP teaching and learning in China. 为大学三、四年级的学生开设的专业英语课是我国专门用途英语教学的一个重要组成部分。
The participants in the study were 119 fourth-year students from Qiqihar University. 参加测试和问卷的是来自于齐齐哈尔大学119名四年级的学生。
A group of 16 fourth-year students in the college of electric and information engineering are randomly chosen as the subjects of the study. 本研究的受试者是在某综合大学电气院四年级随机挑取的16名学生。
The experiment was carried out from September to December, 2008. Two intact classes were selected from the fourth-year students majored in Primary School English Teaching at Wendeng Normal School. 文登师范学校小学教育专业(英语方向)四年级(相当于专科一年级)两个自然班共98名学生于2008年9月至12月参加了这次实验。