Which valuable drug is produced by the foxglove? 哪种有价值的麻醉药是由毛地黄制成的?
Foxglove can cause heart failure. 毛地黄能引起心脏疾病。
The leaves of the purple foxglove plant contain the drug digitalis. a small amount of digitalis causes the heart to eat more strongly. Digitalis glycosides are potent inhibitors of a fundamental and vital ion transport process, common to most cells. 紫色洋地黄的叶子含有洋地黄这种药。微量洋地黄即可加强心跳。洋地黄强心甙类是大多数细胞共有的基本和重要离子转运过程的强效抑制剂。
She picked up a pink flower from a foxglove. 她从毛地黄上斋了一朵港花。
And foxglove is a deadly plant that also doubles as a cardiac medication. 还有毛地黄也是一种致命植物,两倍的人用于强心剂治疗。
Go and take a look at any Chinese pharmacy, and you will see cabinets with numerous drawers, each bearing the name of a drug& toncal, foxglove, rhubarb, saltpetre, indeed, everything that should be there. 你们去看一看中药铺,那里的药柜子上有许多抽屉格子,每个格子上面贴着药名,当归、地、黄、硝,应有尽有。