Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes. 烹调专栏主笔莫伊拉·弗雷泽会带您了解幕后的故事。
Lord Fraser's speech offers much food for thought 弗雷泽勋爵的讲演发人深省。
George Fraser was clearly a good soldier, calm and resilient 乔治·弗雷泽显然是个好士兵,沉着冷静且适应力强。
Simon Fraser was smitten by the landscapes he found in the wild southwest of the United States. 西蒙·弗雷泽深深地陶醉于自己在美国西南部所发现的这片原始美景中。
Fraser Clyne has won the Scottish Road Running Championship for the third year in succession. 弗雷泽·克莱因已经连续第三年获得苏格兰公路赛跑比赛冠军了。
Red Cross Senior Water and Sanitation Officer Robert Fraser cites several key reasons for the rise in waterborne diseases. 红十字会负责水和卫生设施的高级官员弗雷泽提到几个经水传播疾病增加的一些主要原因。
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Simon Fraser University. 他拥有加拿大西蒙菲莎大学的计算机科学学士学位。
Recently, my laboratory at Simon Fraser University conducted a study on farms that produce canola oil that illustrated the profound value of wild bees. 最近,我在西蒙弗雷泽大学(SimonFraserUniversity)的实验室对生产菜籽油的农场进行了研究。研究发现,野蜂能发挥重要价值。
A House of Fraser spokesman declined to comment. HouseofFraser的发言人则拒绝置评。
Fraser said This is our cat, he can come live with us, and that was that. 弗雷哲说:这是我们的猫,他可以和我们住一起。
Canada's Fraser Institute has been compiling an 'Economic Freedom' index since 1980, one component of which is a measure of the quality of a country's legal system and property rights. 从1980年起,加拿大菲莎研究所(FraserInstitute)开始编纂一个名为经济自由度(EconomicFreedom)的指数。这个指数是衡量一国法律体系和所有权状况的一个要素。
Fraser says these problems are exacerbated in countries that have political instability and conflict. 弗雷泽说,这些问题在一些政治不稳定和有政治冲突的国家更加恶化。
Fraser has been my intimate friend for years. 弗雷泽太太多年来一直是我的亲密朋友。
Fraser said it was the worst economic settlement he had ever agreed to. 弗雷泽说,这是他曾同意过的最糟糕的经济解决办法了。
Mr. Fraser led a study about the ozone layer for the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization. 他领导了一个研究小姐,为联合国和世界气象组织进行臭氧层的研究。
For me, that silence is the great subject-and central problem-of fraser's sprawling work. 对我而言,沉默是弗雷泽天巨著中一个重大的主题,也是个中心问题。
At Fraser Suites Nanjing, we take care of your every need. 在南京仁恒辉盛阁国际公寓里,我们将满足您的一切需求。
Researchers at Simon Fraser University have gained a reputation of excellence worldwide, with ongoing collaborations around the globe. 学校的科研人员和世界各地的许多科研院所具有良好的合作关系,在世界上享有一流的声誉。
Fraser McKay of Wood Mackenzie, the consultancy, says the Chinese groups also have different objectives to western companies, and evaluate deals according to different criteria. 咨询公司WoodMacKenzie的弗雷泽麦凯(FraserMcKay)表示,中国企业的目标也和西方企业不同,并根据不同的标准来评价交易。
The20-foot Fraser fir from North Carolina will be set up in the Blue Room of the White House. 来自北卡罗来纳州的高达20英尺的冷杉将被放置在白宫的蓝室中。
Fraser, Steve. Labor Will Rule: Sidney Hillman and the Rise of American Labor. 1991. 《劳工将统治:西尼.西耳曼和美国劳工的兴起》1991。
The Fraser Valley Dragon Boat Club is a non-profit society, established in2002. 弗雷泽山谷龙船俱乐部是一个非盈利的社会,在2002建立了。
By relying on outsiders, Fraser ends up treating Wall Street as a metaphor rather than the real thing. 由于依靠局外人,弗雷泽最终把华尔街看成一个隐喻体,而不是真实的东西。
It is a bubble, but it is a bubble that could continue for the next year, says Fraser Howie, co-author of a book on the Chinese stockmarket. 侯伟(FraserHowie)曾与他人合著了一本关于中国股市的书籍。他表示:这是个泡沫,但这个泡沫可能再持续一年。
Not surprisingly, Fraser finds that wall street's reputation is cyclical. 弗雷泽发现华尔街的名声有周期性,这并不奇怪。
When I brought Doug Fraser onto our board, the business community went wild. 当我让杜格·弗雷泽参加我们的董事会的时候,美国企业界为之哗然。
Fraser's killed a man! 弗雷泽已杀了一个人!
Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island. 先驱植物在澳大利亚弗雷泽岛的潮汐线上获得立足之地。
In2006, she participated in the CGA teaching& training program in Simon Fraser University in Canada. 2006年加拿大西门菲沙大学进行CGA项目教学培训与研究。
These shops belong to the house of fraser. 这些商店都属于弗雷泽商社。